Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Thanksgiving, what does it mean?

The word thanksgiving means Eucharist and the Eucharist literally means thanksgiving. Today is thanksgiving day; a day one should go to Mass and Adoration on this day; which literally means Eucharist.

Yes we have turkey, potatoes of all kinds, salads, jellos, sauces, gravies, breads, cakes, pies, meats, wines, tea, juice; because it's a big feast in America; because of the pligrims who came from England to the New World; America and came together after long hard winters and hardships with the Native Americans; both come together at peace and sit down for a feast.

We come together with people of other faiths or the same faith; who are not living the faith; but it should be a day of thanksgiving and peace; a day for putting grudges or feuds away and have the Peace of Christ in our hearts and that Peace flows between each person.

To not go to Mass; is like a denial of the Eucharist; because to truly take part of the holiday; one should have the real thanksgiving inside you; the Holy Eucharist.

If one is not able to go to Mass physically by car; then be there by EWTN. Let no one deprive you of this; you need Spiritual Strength in your soul; so you can handle the people who don't want peace at the dinner table; by having Jesus with you.

If you are sick or injured; and unable to go physically; have the true meaning of thanksgiving in your heart; Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. So you can live it and be joyful in your suffering; but also know and come to understand the real meaning of thanksgiving while you maybe home alone; but you are never alone; actually your house might be very full of guests; if you attend Mass by EWTN; all the angels and saints are there at the chapel and in your home; where you are. Plus your guardian angel and patron saints'. Most of all, Jesus is always with you.

Thanksgiving is thanksliving; because the Eucharist is a living divine person; Jesus Christ. He is the purpose of everything and when someone hijacks it; we lose this idea and fundamental teaching and thought on the Eucharist. When someone becomes a false christ and says let us do this and change the meaning of thanksgiving; which makes it neo-paganism; is how Thanksgiving is celebrated; football and over eating and over drinking and un-clean mouths against the Lord's name in vain.

Thanksgiving should be celebrated a very Christian Catholic way; The Eucharist; which means Thanksgiving. Celebrate it the right way; NOT THE PAGAN WAY!

God bless and May God be with you.

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