'The Devil Is Not Made Up and he is among us'
Let us pray before I write and you read this next topic:
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in praelio. Contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur. Tuque princeps militiae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo divina virtute in infernum detrude. Amen.
I will not lecture you on Theology or Philosophy too much this time; but past experiences.
Last Sunday Fr. Wade told us what were the top ten things that scare us and the devil wasn't mentioned; but snakes were. That is funny and scary at the same time, no one is afraid of the devil or hell.
I guess I should of found the list and voted; but it wouldn't of made the Top Ten list. In the world we pay a lot of money to go get glimpse at hell or the devil at the movies or just stay home and watch him or see what hell is on tv.
Those will send you there; if you watch them enough times. The devil has no power over God; when the movies give Satan all the power; even over God; that is Satan at work; Satan is working through those movie people and makers. Even those who make tv shows.
They have an idea of what he is like and what hell is; but I would like to share my personal experiences to wake you up and even re-awaken myself up to become as holy as I can become through the help of God.
When I was in grade school and it was Halloween time; I wasn't into my faith as I am now; but I was very mature young kid; my voice changed from high to low; where it sounds like Johnny Cash most of the time; that is how low it changed. One time, I dressed up like Count Dracula; the fake teeth hurt and tasted bad. The fake blood was worse that came with the costume. The medal Dracula always wore; it started to freak me out and it wasn't real; it as plastic; but what it symbolized became more and more present every time I walked by the room where it was on the shelf.
I had to run past the door into another room; always felt un-easy and scared to death; I was looking over my shoulder and scared most of the time. The next year I dressed up about the angel I'm talking about; satan himself. I had this horrible mask; looked real. I put in the spare bedroom in a box I think it was; because I was done with it. Few weeks later I had to go to the bath room and the door was open in the spare room; which is right across from mine and there looking at me; two red eyes. I lost the urge to go to the bathroom and ran into my bed room and covered my head with my covers. By that time I had the entire Goosp Bumb book series for a few years.
We burned that mask and medal; finally the scary feeling was gone. But, it was not over. In Grade school still; going to bed and telling every one good night; I turned and saw a hand coming after me and I ran back to the couch with mom and dad and stayed up with them; finally both tucked me in.
In fifth grade I wasn't live a life of purity and so I can imagine he was happy with that and laughing how he does for the evil sinful things we decide to do and deny God.
After college and after Fr. Thomas' first talk on his first book he wrote on Exorcism; where the lights went out on The World Over Live; I prayed for a week asking God what He thought; if I should be interested in this with the vocation God chose for me and it was like He gave me the green light or thumbs up. Then the fun; well not really; began to happen.
Felt like a bull eye was on me now. Temptations have become very strong and hard to fight off. Sightings or voices I would of liked not to hear or see; but for some reason God has allowed it and allows it to happen. One night I was reading over information to see what was going on with my cousin and I was getting ready for bed; getting under the covers; in the corner where my Christmas Tree would be; if it was Christmas time; stood a dark shadow figure; like in a hood; it looked at me and then bowed as to say yes with it's head area. Then it was gone; if i had my phone on; i could of took a picture of the thing.
My mom to this day still believe me in what I saw that night. Everytime when I am home alone; I hear my mom's voice or someone else who is dear to me; and I know where my mom is; because she would tell me before leaving and knowing where those other people are; in class or working.
Tonight, I was fixing my mom a Pepsi; and that same thing spoke; but not with someone else's voice but I believe with it's own voice; not sure. It called out to me; "Andy!" drawing it out for a long time; slowly and scary and scratchy sounding.
If this scares you, sorry but also good; the devil is real and he does prowl like a lion waiting to pounce on the weakest victim and we must not be the weakest victim.
May St. Michael protect you all.
Aj, I believe you. My son who is 18 now used to see a creature with red eyes since he was 12 or 13 years old. He was so frightened he came running with real fear in his eyes and he saw the same type of creature several times after that. We don't live in the same house anymore and my husband has died, but since we moved I think he has seen or felt something like it once. I can't help but feel it is the same thing that many young people encounter when they begin to test the water where there is a dark side. I try to give him a blessing daily when he leaves the house. I have Holy Oil and Holy Water, I have Saint Benedict medals and Saint Michael Statues and I pray with him as often as I can. Thank you for your very interesting post. +++