Wednesday, November 3, 2010

On How Good God Is

O my dear friends, do you know how good God is?

God is good; because He gave us His own body and blood to eat and drink; to give our souls and our bodies life. The bread or other food of earth that we eat becomes old and nasty; but the Bread come down from Heaven does not get old; as you can see in all the proven Eucharistic Miracles.

The Good God gave us the Church to help get us to Heaven to be with Him; because we are on earth; which is our exile; because our first parents' Original Sin.

God made you; the parents to teach your children; but you must treat them as who they are; Children of God. God gave you the children as a gift.

Our Good God is so wonderful for so many reasons. Let us now contemplate on God as Father.

God as Father; is there anything better than this?

No. Because if we think of it; we actually have a perfect daddy that we all want; and some of us don't have a daddy or if we do; he may not be living up to the standards of St. Joseph and God the Father; let us think and contemplate on God as Father:

When we pray and say "Our Father" Think of all that is in those two words. Father; what does Father mean? "one who performs the offices of a parent by maintenance, affetionate care, counsel, or protection."

God is Father; who performs the office as a parent; which is true; but He didn't have any sexual relations; because if He had to have sexual relation; He wouldn't be all powerful and all knowing; He would be like you and me; a person; who by having sexual intercourse create life. God is all spirit. God created earth, space, time, man, everything out of nothing.

To be a Child of God; He did not have any sexual relations; Out of His One Thought; His Word; which is of Himself; with that One Word; Everything was created. We learn this from the beginning of the Gospel of St. John.

Now, let us go deeper yet: God as Our Father; what does "Our" mean? How can God be "Our Father" Well, through Jesus; the Word Made Flesh; also we see this in the Old Testatment; In Jer. "Before you were in the womb; I knew you."

Imagine that, before we were in our mother's womb; God knew each one of us. In Wisdom I think it is; "each one of your hairs are numbered." So, when a hair falls out; God knows about it. He has a personal relationship with us; each one personally.

God knows us better than we know the back of our own hand. That is how Good God is and what we can think about and contemplate; O so wonderful God is; as Our Father.

God is there as our parent; as our good counselor, caring that comforts you when you are having a bad day or someone hurt you in anyway; also He is there to protect us. God defends us; even if it doesn't seem like it. God protects us in ways we don't understand; look at the election; how the pro-lifers got elected and the pro-abortions; most of them were removed; God defends in His own way that is for the better for all. Yes, God does protect you; in a personal way; but also as a whole country.

O, How Good God is and How loving He is too. Yes there is evil happening; but the evil is permitted to bring the greater good out of it; which God does. If we listen to Him and follow His teachings; keeping the laws of marriage as He founded marriage; Man and Woman; but if we go against Him; He will punish us; as a good Father does to His children.

He is loving, caring, and Just. He is all Truth and All Knowing. He is God; and also Our Father.

God bless

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