On Being Made In The Image of God is something we all have forgotten and live a life where we abuse the Holy Temple of the Holy Spirit; our bodies. If the Holy Spirit dwells in our soul; then you know God in His three divine Persons dwell in each of us.
God says in the beginning, "Let us make man in Our image and likeness." What does God mean by Our? This "Our" Which I think when God said it; He was refering as the Trinity; Him in all three divine Persons.
When God says this, we are made in His image; the image of the Trinity. The Image of God we have is Jesus and in that image of Jesus; we see God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Who sees the Son, sees the Father; with the Son and Father; the Holy Spirit is also there. God is invisible and pure spirit; but in that spirit; there is three divine persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
To be made in the image of God; is something wonderful and something we won't see until we step foot into Heaven; God will see it and say, "There is the my image and welcome into the Kingdom." When saints appear to us; they are like Jesus on Mount Tabor; transfigured and the Divine Light of God is shown.
Is this the face of God? I do not know; but when a person is in Heaven; they are saints and have this light; Divine Light from being made perfect in Heaven; showing their perfectness since in Heaven they are saints and in Heaven; nothing unclean enters Heaven. So years or months or how ever long it takes in Purgatory to become sanctified. the Light shown with the saint appearing; is the perfectness of being totally pure and holy; and the saints are sharing in the Divine Life.
Each and every person is made in the image of God; even if they do not know it or believe it; but they truly are. That silly question, "What came first; the egg or the chicken." Well, we know the answer for people; human adults were made first; as we see in Scripture and then came the kids. Those who abort or kill their children; who call their children blobs of flesh; yet they let some live and others not. Why? I think for this issue; they believe they themself is God and not in the True God who made them.
To be God; one must have no beginning or end, who doesn't make mistakes, who is truthful, who creates things out of nothing, loves us unselfishly and dies on the Cross for all mankind. But, those who say they are God and not the One True God; they try to become God; making the choice who lives or dies. Which means they do not believe the children have the image of God or a soul. If they think they can do this; then why not create a child in a lab; which is happening.
This must stop; because a human person can not be a god; because we are created and have a end. To be created by God and in His image and likeness; means we are made in the image and likeness of the Trinity.
To help make sense of this; the image of the invisible God is on our souls where He dwells. He is kicked out when we commit a mortal sin but moves back in when we are in a state of grace; after going to Confession. This is why abortion and every sin against the flesh is wrong and immoral; but some people don't know or if they do; they don't listen or care enough to stop doing these things and if we try to stop them and not armed well enough spiritually; we might be dragged into their sin and doing it with them.
Also, this is why we must be so careful with our bodies and soul; because God Himself dwells in us and we are His children and made in His image and likeness.
God bless
Excellent writing Andy. You were spiritually gifted to an impressive degree this past summer. But my, how you've blossomed with your current writings. No doubt The Holy Spirit guides you in your thought and in the final product. Though, years from now, you will still be finding new and unique ways of evangelizing God's Word to his people with you as his tool with creative and more disciplined works as He calls on your devoted obedience. I'm so proud of you and I send my prayers and my love when you need them the most. I am so very happy to be able to connect with you once again. And keep in mind, throughout your journey, in Spirit and devoted friendship, I will be there for you. Thank you for all you do for Our Lord, who is all awesome and Holy and ours to share, in his compassion, Mercy, hope and love for us all. +++