Thursday, November 25, 2010

On How One Should Dress in the House of God

Pardon my firery talk here; all three of my saints will be coming out; especially St. Jerome.

On the World Over Live; on the brief and it showed a picture of a wedding; where the brides maids have bare backs.

No one should have flesh; back or chest, under arm, or anything that will cause temptation. If you want to be married in the Church; which you are to be; if you both are Catholic; East or West; you must tell every single guest and bride maid and best men; that they are to dress in the most modest manner.

When you want to enter St. Peter's Basilica; the guards will keep you out; if your shoulders, back or chest isn't covered. Which is the dress code for all the churches in the Holy Catholic Church. Just that the guards are in St. Peters to protect the Pope and all historic pieces inside the Vatican. When you enter the Vatican; you are walking on Holy Ground; the place of the death of St. Peter himself.

When you step on your parish church's ground; that is holy ground also; because where the priest kisses the altar; their should be relics of that saint and most of all; Jesus Himself who is truly present in the altar.

No priest should allow people with earings, nose rings, eye rings, tongue rings inside; because it goes against Scripture: Leviticus 19:28: "Do not lacerate your bodies for the dead, and do not tattoo yourselves. I am the LORD."

The House of God must never be defiled. One must be covered in respectful clothes; because we are not entering some house or some building; but that place of worship has been set aside, consecrated to God and once it's consecrated to God; it is like the sacred dishes used at Mass.

We have forgotten that and we must never forget. If you are planning a wedding; remember the priest and bishop is incharge; you must run things by them. Chests, butts, backs, God only knows what else; must not be seen or shown in the House of God!

No more hurting Our Lord Jesus Christ; be ready for the good orthodox Catholic priests coming from seminary; they will get in your face and challenge you; as they should; as the Church Fathers did. If you don't like it; tough; then get out! No more accepting things that may cause temptation or sin in the Church; a tough dress code should be enforced and the ushers at the local parishes; must be like the guards at St. Peters; stopping people in their tracks and making sure the parts of the body that cause temptation is covered.

I don't care if my bishop won't like it; I don't care if he punishes me for standing up for Jesus; I'm glad I challeged him to stand up for Jesus; to protect Him in the Eucharist and the Book of the Holy Gospels. I want bishops to be like St. Ambrose; who chases the heretics out of the church with his staff in hand.

I mean literally chase them out; there is a term I like; "tough love." You tell them the truth; because you love them; which will contradict their miss guided understanding and or it will correct their immoral life style. Be like the Church Fathers; be like the Holy Bishops who speak the fire of the Holy Spirit; where it stirs deep in the person's soul and totally challenges them and changes them right there in the pew at Mass or other Liturgies.

When people hear it; they weep of repentance and then go to Confession right away. Priests must speak with the Fire of the Holy Spirit; which burns away the darkness in our souls; which is how the Church Fathers spoke; but their faith was greater and yes they were tempted; but their faith was greater than it is today with the new priests and bishops of today; only two bishops I truly see this in; is Raymond Cardinal Burke and Pope Benedict XVI and the Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz and Archbishop Charles Chaput.

Every priest must be trained by the Church Fathers; as Pope Benedict has requested them to do; even priests who have been ordained for a while and the men in the seminary. If they follow one of the Church Fathers as the role model; their parish will become well formed and the people will know no messing around goes here and that this priest is serious on saving souls and keeping the heretics out and making sure no one defiles the Holy Ground and no one defiles their own person; which is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and keeps from showing up in immodest dress.

I hope this will help and God bless

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