The Second Level of Prayer
In the book on prayer by Madre Teresa de Avila; The Interior Castle or in the original lanuage: El Castillo Interior.
She talks about the second house or apartment in the castle; which is our soul. In this mansion we grow and begin to perfect humility in us; so we may move onto the third mansion; which I am about ready to read in her book; the third book of hers that I will read is: The Way of Perfection.
Let us look at the second mansion if God will grant it through the intercession of St. Madre Teresa de Avila:
In the first mansion in the castle of our soul; we enter and we start to learn how to live a humble life and remove ourself from worldly things; but still the snakes and other posionious creatures make their way into the first mansion with you; once you start living a humble life and removing worldly things; you can move up into the second mansion if you are ready in the humility department.
The second mansion is where you perfect the humility; each mansion you grow in humility. First step of prayer and living the virtues is humility and we must have it to pray. Now, let us move onto the second step of prayer; pray in our faith.
It is very important to have our faith and be in our faith totally when we pray; our prayers are strengthened when we pray in faith; it is how Jesus could do all those healings and kicking the devil and his demons out; we must have faith and pray in faith; not out of habit or in habit; not the religious clothing; religious must wear their habits as Pope Pius XII and Vatican II and Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI says to do.
When I mean we aren't to pray out of habit; we aren't to pray for something to do or out of routine. We are to pray in faith and with humility to grow in our spiritual life.
We must always pray with faith and humility; true faith and humility; not the false humility and faith that the people I have heard be called now by Michael Voris, "The Jesus cheer leaders." If you look at these people who are praising Him but never using His name and just saying "Lord Lord" What does Jesus say about that, nothing good. Plus, look at their pictures; some have decent pictures but others only have improper poses and how they dress. When we pray in true faith and humility; we show it in how we look, act, and speak.
By just moving your lips; you aren't praying as St. Teresa of Avila says.
"I will repeat it once more here: it is that at the beginning one must not think of such things as spiritual favours, for that is a very poor way of starting building such a large and beautiful edifice." St. Teresa of Avila
As Madre Teresa says, we aren't to think of the spiritual favours God has granted to us; because if we do when we are starting out on living a life of prayer; we will be tempted greatly and the devil will jump all over you and swallow you up. If God grants you favours; don't worry about it; just keep doing what you are doing; keep up your life of prayer and humility; but we must be very careful not to live a false life of prayer and humility; let me give you a example on both if I can find one:
When someone compliments you and this response is from this website and woman: "I've could of done better." "really you could've done better."
This is what we must watch out for; because false humility can sound and look like true humility; but it's also a form of pride; as you can read the qoutes I've shared from this young woman's website.
In this second level of prayer or the second mansion; the soul grows in true humility and prayer; and detaches itself from the things of this world; where we don't need the technology of the world or anything else that would become an attachment or become obessed with it; where it becomes a false god; this and the first mansion you start to remove these things which are obessions to you and attachment that would hold you back from giving all to God.
Once we remove these attachments that hold you back from God; we can move closer in union with Him; which the last mansion your soul enters where the King is. It may take a while; but you will soon start slowly to remove yourself from the world and hold nothing back from God.
Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila; read this book very slowly; it's only 150 pages; but very rich in Spiritual Knowledge and Truth of God; to bring your soul closer to Him.
Our soul; even ourself is made to be with God; but with the things of the world that cause us to go against God; but the human person is to be with God and share His divine life. To do that; we must limit the attachments of our life to the world and literally become attached to God through the Sacraments and Adoration of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Madre Teresa de Avila says, "If you know of any sin on your soul; go to Confession."
Confession is a great way to learn a life of humility and to live a life of humility.
God bless
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