Wednesday, November 3, 2010

On Today

As Pope Paul VI said, "the smoke of the devil has entered Your temple, into the people; instilled in them doubt and worry; no more faith."

My dear friends,

I have seen and read the doubt and worries; I've also worried and doubted. Yes the smoke of the devil has entered the Church and we are lacking faith in what we believe; we worry and doubt; when Jesus tells us not to worry or doubt.

Why can we not get over this and flush this out of our life? Is it because we don't want to and we enjoy the feeling or rush that comes when we worry and doubt?

What do we believe as Catholics? Do we truly believe in One God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Jesus Christ begotten from the Father; who suffered under Pontius Pilate and died; but who rose from the dead to give us eternal life and open the gates of Heaven. Who created One Church that is: One Holy Catholic and Apostolic.

Why do we let the devil get the best of us and enter our head; to bring worry and doubt? If we truly believe our Catholic Faith and place all our trust in Jesus Christ; the devil can not do this to us.

The loss of faith among fellow Catholics is the work of the devil; who has become flesh; who is always on the move and seems invisible; able to attack without being seen.

We must be on watch more than ever against the attacks of evil one and his demons; because they are every where; and they want us to keep losing faith and have more doubt and worry in our mind and heart.

Look how fellow Catholics are acting and dressing; they are doing this; because they have lost faith and if the children have lost faith; their parents never had it; which is the best prey the devil and his demons like and go after; yes they go after everyone; but most of all they go after those who are weak in faith; easily can be made to doubt or worry.

This is why we have fellow Catholics acting like pagans and sleeping around and doing everything immoral; and using contraception and having abortion; because they have lost faith and begin to do what the devil wants. We must learn our faith; so we are prepared to defend our souls against the attacks of the devil and the demons.

We have become too much of the world; the devil has planted himself in their souls and removed the name of God's Christ from their hearts. We must Read Holy Scripture, Study Church Documents, The Catechism, better yet; spend hours with Jesus Himself in adoration. This will make you strong and renew your faith in God. But, we must return to Confession.

God is not small; the devil and his demons makes God small; so that we lose hope, heart and faith in Him; and look else where for healing and comfort; which is why many Catholics have taken part in Occult practices. God is huge, God can not be measured; that is how big God is; we must have faith in Him; because there is only one God and that is Jesus Christ; God is One but has three divine Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Trust in God; denounce the devils; rid them from your life; renew your faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. Live in Him for now on until you are called home; with a stop in Purgatory if it's needed.

God bless

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