"God made Man in His(God)' image and likeness. From the rib God made woman for Man and blessed them and told them to go and multiply and fill the earth with their offspring."
Again, back to what newspaper that leaked the one part in the book that would start a wild fire; The Holy Father's remarks on the condom issues again; but only gave the small paragraph; not the entire statement or page; plus had it translated very poorly from German into Italian and then into English. The Holy Father, I think used what is going on right now in the world; all the homo-sexual activities; sex; which is dangerous and hurts the one doing it and the one receiving it. Both will receive the aids virus; which is a plague and which will kill.
As I started in the past blog post or article; I started to touch on the Theology of the Body.
Sex, is not something to play with; it is not a toy. God created it for one purpose and that one purpose is for the married man and woman in private to become one flesh and create life and fill the earth with their off-spring.
When God created marriage and sex; He created it for the married couple and no one else. When the fall happened; the devil and his demons started to change the world where sex has become a game or something not important and done for the most crazy reasons in the world. Where the husband cheats on his wife or the wife cheats on her husband or singles have one night stands or people who date and have sex; because they think they are in love.
What is love? A great question; but does anyone have a clue what love truly is?
That is love; look at the Spanish Crucifix. Nothing else is needed to say about love. To know and understand God; go to the Crucifix.
As I have said before, Sex is a good but it is our sinfulness and the world transforms it into a evil and into a mortal sin. When the world says, "oh no, it isn't a sin or evil; it's good for anyone and anyone should take part of it." Sound familiar? Those people in the schools making the young children grow up too fast and even the ones in middle school and high school. They government who pushes for contraception into all the world. All the magazines at the grocery store or mall; showing what? sex outside of marriage is ok or cheating is ok; that is all flith. Sex is for the married.
God bless if they bring forth life but shame on their sinful life; we must hate the sin but love the sinner; love their soul. It is like any religion that is hijacked; when Sex is hijacked; people think they can do anything with it; which is what the porn and planned parenthood companies have done and then it went from the top to the bottom to the kids; where they see something and then they try and perform it. Sex has been hijacked; because Sex was never made for evil but for good and to produce life in marriage.
IVF is also planned parenthood; because it's like a contraception; because a contraception is non-natural and Sex is to be natural; between Man and Woman who are married.
Contraceptions are evil and sinful and the Church hasn't changed Her teaching on them; no matter what the media says or what people say. In the Old Testament when one of the men put his seed on the floor; semen; God killed him. Because the man didn't want to produce life; which was one of the first contraceptions.
Sex is between the married man and woman; one man and one woman and no one else in private. Life is a beautiful gift and the marital act brings life into the world and must be respected and not tampered or hijacked.
God bless
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