Thursday, November 4, 2010

On The Statement Given To The Vatican

With this Ultimatium to the Vatican; and wanting the Church to do something that doesn't need to be done. Why do you think the two priests put their wives in the monastery? To protect them from the violence; as they should. But, the ISI says the women are Muslims now and are being held or kidnapped. The news says other-wise. Without the release of the two women; more of our brothers and sisters will die by these attacks.

I would like to write and I hope this will touch your soul.

Dear people of good will,

you are human beings; as is everyone else. When your founder was receiving those visions; he was afraid; not fearful of God but fearful; because that they may come from the devil. His cousin; a Christian and monk; said they were from God; without truly discerning about them.

When we deal with Spiritual visions; we must not rush into them; but test them and pray to see if they are of God or of the devil. Because if something is not matching up with the Revelations God has given; then it is truly from the devil. But, there are some good too. It must be found and seperate it from the bad; then the building could begin on how to be peaceful.

Once someone takes a religion and hijacks it; the religion is turned into something that would bring fear into the world. With the hijacing a religion; it would change the message of that religion; we had and still have that problem with certain politicans saying something different and believing different than what the Catholic Church teaches. When a muslim person does with their religion or other religions; people become radical and change how they think and how to interact with other religions; where they harrass and hurt; because of these people changing what they believe to fit their life style.

I know you are human beings as well; and you have souls. In your soul; even if you do not believe it in your religion; but the moral law is written on your heart; which is part of the soul. In that moral law; it is to treat people as human beings and not as rejects or animals; it is where you do not call them the lower than you; but family as human and you do not kill them and we do not kill or hurts others; because we are to treat others as we would want them to treat us.

This senseless killing for a lack of understanding the news about the wives of two Catholic priests in Egypt. Do not rely on poor reporting; which doesn't give the entire story or the entire truth; rely on the people who report on everything; Catholics have this problem with Protestants who use their poor ideas to describe what the Church teaches and so; use the proper means of reporting to get the story and information correct.

I will be praying for you all and I forgive you for all the killings of our Catholic brothers and sisters.

God bless

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