Wednesday, November 10, 2010

On The Most Holy Eucharist

Today we have many Catholics; even Orthodox Christians who have forgotten who the Most Holy Eucharist is. In the form of bread and wine; which is no longer there; is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is there and the bread and wine is no longer there; and people today have taken forgranted.

People go up and receive Our Lord without checking our conscience to see if we have mortal sin on our soul. People might say; "oh, what is a mortal sin?" I will tell you with a link; because it's very long. Go here and learn what a mortal sin is:

We must introduce to the faithful what is a mortal sin; so they relearn what the world has taken away from them or reeducated where you do not think mortal sins are not important to worry about. In certain parts of Asia; this has happened; where people have become two faced: One they look like a faithful Catholic; go to Confession and receive Our Lord; but when they get home; near the holy cards and statues is nude women or men or both having sexual intercourse and they call that art; which in it's reality; it is porn.

I friended a woman; who was just that. She tricked me up good and played me like a fool; but now I am glad it is over. To receive Our Lord in The Most Holy Eucharist; one must be living their faith and living a good moral life. They go to Confession regularly or if you can; go before Mass; which is what I do; every week or two weeks.

We must be in a state of grace in our soul but also in our life; to be able to receive the fullness of His graces from eating and drinking His Most Sacred Body and Blood; if it enters into a "spiritually dead" soul; it has no life. We must be "spiritually alive" so His graces will truly be affective in our life and soul; so our soul maybe strengthened against temptations or spiritual attacks.

I love both: East and West Divine Liturgy or the Mass. In the Byzantine Rite; there isn't much difference with the Liturgy from the Orthodox Liturgy; only difference; maybe a picture of the Pope in the church. Because the Orthodox and Catholic; have vaild everything; right now we have one lung and I pray and it looks like those days of being divided are slowly coming to a end; with our Holy Father and the new Patriarch; where Andrew and Peter; come together for good after a long family fued.

If this sounds both East and West; well; I am named after the Holy Apostle Andrew; which the East loves very much; his brother and I guess I could say; my spiritual brother; took care of the western part; but tradition has it that Andrew did go over to Scotland; because their flag is the shape of his cross;X. I learned Andrew preached and spread the Gospel through Germany and Poland; plus all of Russia and up around Turkey and Scotland; if this sounds very Eastern European; you might know why. Just giving a warning for my readers.

On The Most Holy Eucharist: it is not a thing but a some one; He is our master and God; His name is Jesus Christ. To receive Him unworthily; with mortal sin on our soul and not going to Confession or we go but sin afterward; it is like Judas betraying Him with a kiss once again. It is a slap and laugh in His face saying that you or someone else is more important than God or denying His true presence.

To deny His true presence is to deny your faith. When you deny your faith; you literally turn your back on Him. You have read in Holy Scripture, "He who denies you; denies me, he who denies Me, denies the One who sent Me." So, if you deny the faith; you deny the Apostles and Him; plus the Father.

Our Sacred Lord Jesus Christ; is so precious and only those who are cleansed of all sin can receive Him in the Sacrament form. There are many ways of disrespecting Jesus; being loud when we are to be silent and reverent; when you are given a private audience with the Pope; you are not loud; but dead silent. Jesus is God; imagine how reverent we are to be for Him.

Then there are those who pull out their cell phone and text, play games, turn it off when the volume is up full blast, hide Him in the side of their mouth to take back for the black mass; to stab or whatever they do; dress immodest; short skirts, tops with no sleeves, tops that cover the shoulder and not the arms, tops that show back and a bit of the chest, tank tops, sports bras and nothing else, any clothing that is in fashion today; is pretty much immodest.

At the Latin Mass in Omaha; I saw skirts grandmas used to wear that are very nice looking and modest; but the people in the world would say that it is too old and not hip; boys in flip flops, ear rings, nose rings, tatoos, t-shirts with sayings on them, sports uniforms, halloween clothing, certain types of jeans and shirts; that is why I dress in my best clothing; because I am going to go see the King and receive Him. Black paints, black dress socks, black dress shoes; a button up dress shirt; it's black with different color stripes on it; saw it being worn on the tv show White Collar; by the character "Neal" and I've been wearing that almost every Sunday; because we should want to be respectable to the King of kings.

We should want to wear the best for Jesus; but not become too focused on what it cost; but that you and I are covered and showing respect to Him. No family should be incharge of the parish; especially if it's about money; it's not about who give what they have left over; but it is about those who give what they have: the old lady in Scripture at the Holy Temple is a great example.

Fr. Corapi; his grandmother he said, "oh she was a great theologian; with a 8th grade education; better theologians than the expert theologians; that old lady at the Temple; I bet she was a great Theologian; better than the high priests of the temple. There are priests and layity who don't have a clue about their faith and when they don't have a clue about the faith; they don't know about Jesus in the Eucharist and treat it as bread and wine.

The priests who spend eight or more years in college and seminary; to learn their faith better; but if they think Jesus is bread and wine; they are in the wrong Church; because it is not bread and wine; but the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist and in the chalice.

We must take and use the most utmost respect and reverence when handling Our Lord or how we treat Him when we enter, what we do inside and how we exit. The Most Holy Eucharist is something very Sacred; something very special; when St. John in the Gospel wrote after the discourse where the devil entered Judas; this is where the problem of not showing reverence to Jesus and disobeying Him.

We must remove the Judas' or teach them and make them change their way; so they won't be called Judas anymore. The Eucharist is the: body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ; the Eucharist is Jesus Christ. We must protect Him and not take Him forgranted.

God bless

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