Fratres karissimi,
In hodie 'tempus et oblitos tollitur novissima. Habemus divos fratres rogum Missa Et non nostro iudicio para plurimi dicere nec cogitare, o faciam cras. Lorem promissus eras quia nescimus cum Dominus Jesus Christus vocare reddit aut domi mors.
Ait sanctus Paulus, caelestia cogitare non terrena. Cepimus off animos a superiori rerum in terra. Ut amens interesse actio sordida nos tempore nostro lumbos et prorsus tempore quando profluet.
Parare iudicamus, nos animae nostrae reus non expectabis ultimo tempore. Facere oportet, quas Iesus Christus nos iussit facere per se nupta per suum vicarium in terra.
Posse volumus fine gehenna suscepit, si non ad presens para Nobis bene parate, ut sciat nobis cum sit iudicandus.
In mundo hodie perspicue ad peccatum omnia nobis sermo est in progressio Diam television aliquot secunda. Etiam vel legentem magazine paper atque etiam vultus procul unus.
O debemus sollicitam hodierna tempore omnis posse speramus iniquam etiam in Ecclesia, quanto populus impudicus compositio.Scripsi puto papam scripsit hoc, ubi fumus diabolus intrauit ecclesiam et avertit populum Dei in hominibus mundi; sublatis fides et fiducia erga Deum et reposuit dubium molestia.
Ubi factus est populus iners, per fidem et magnis depositio dilata locum cras et ut dixi, non sumus pollicitus eras.
In privata iudicium faciemus iudicandi nobis impetrabit quid fecimus; vidimus in cibos pauperum sitienti dabo potum, infirmos visitate, et clausum, panni et nudum dicet nobis mali fecerunt et post omnia quae eius iudicio aut repudium accipias. Nos animam nostram reus ut vivitur sanctificatione.
Demum vero curandum cotidie ora pro felici morte. Est Sancte Joseph pro felici morte. Et orate invenire quotidie.
Non sunt mortem fugere: quia si anima nostra recte parata, viae mortis ostium ingredi viam vitam aeternam utramque viam aut caelum aut inferna.
Sin mortis nostrae occurrit Quia timor paratus animae nostrae tunc est bona timemus possumus salvari ad horam a postulans sacerdos nostrorum.
Para nunc quam postrema non expectat last minute age nunc, quia non promittitur crastinum iremus elit.
My dear brethren,
In today's time, we have forgotten and done away with the Last Things.
We make our relatives saints at their funeral Mass and we do not prepare for our judgment and most of say or think, "oh, I will do that tomorrow."
We are not promised tomorrow; because we do not know when Our Lord Jesus Christ will return or call us home in death.
As Saint Paul says, "think of heavenly things and not of earthly things." We have taken our minds off of things from above to things on earth.
We take part in mindless and worthless activities; we waist our time and we have no idea when our time will run out.
To prepare for our judgment; we must prepare our soul and not wait till the last minute. We must do what Jesus Christ has commanded us to do through Himself and through His bride and His Vicar on earth.
We really could end up in Hell if we do not prepare ourself right now and prepare well; so that He may know us when it is time to be judged.
In the world today, it is very easy to commit a sin; all we have to do is watch a program on television for a few second. Even reading a paper or magazine; or even looking at one.
Oh, we must be very careful in today's time; every we look could be sinful; even in the church; with how immodest the people are dressing.
I wrote and I think a Pope wrote about this too; where the smoke of the devil has entered the church and turned the people of God into people of the world; taking away our faith and trust in God and replacing it with doubt and worry.
Where people have become lazy in their faith and put off this important topic off till tomorrow and as I have said; we are not promised tomorrow.
In our personal judgment; we will be judged; He will ask us what have we done; did we feed the poor, give the thirsty a drink, visit the sick, the imprisoned, cloth the naked and then He will tell us the evil we have done and after all that; He will reject us or welcome us. We must prepare our soul so that we are living a Holy Life.
Finally, we must pray every day for a Happy Death. There is a prayer to Saint Joseph for a Happy Death. Find it and pray it every day.
We are not to be afraid of death; because if our soul is prepared in a correct way; death is a door way to enter eternal life; either way; Heaven or Hell. But, if our death is met with fear because we have not prepared our soul; then it is good we are afraid; we can be saved at the last minute by requesting a priest for Confession.
Prepare now than later; do not wait for the last minute; do it now; because we are not promised tomorrow; we could go today.
God bless
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