Saturday, November 13, 2010

De Reali Christi Praesentia

On The Real Presence of Christ

The Protestants who say Jesus was speaking symbolic in John Chapter Six. But, what they forget is that in the original lanuage Jesus was speaking; it was very gory; by telling the people to "eat" or "knaw" on His flesh and also to "drink" His blood. In the Old Testatment it was forbidden to drink the blood of the sacrifice victim; the animals.

In the Old Testatment God gave this rule on the law section of the tablets; but in the New Testatment; where Jesus says, "I have not come to abolish the Law but to full fill it." That means He is God; because God starts something and then He full fills it; which we as humans can not do. We have a beginning and a end; He has neither. He is the true Sacrifice; the Heavenly Sacrifice that can forgive sins. That is why we can eat His flesh and drink His blood; because it is not earthly flesh or earthly blood; but Divine Origin and God is Divine.


Let us continue on this area and I hope someone will stop me and correct me; if this isn't right. God can full fill not us; but through God we can do all things. We can't have a good thought by ourself but with God; we can have that good thought.

The Eucharist and Precious Blood; is not earthly flesh or earthly blood. It is the flesh and blood of God; God works through the priest; who offers bread and wine; God transform that bread into His body and that wine; into His blood. The appearance and taste is the same; but the substance that makes it bread and wine is no longer there; it is transformed literally into the flesh and blood of God Himself.

To be able to drink the Precious blood; it is hidden under the appearance of wine; but the substance which makes the object or matter; is changed; it's totally made new and changed into something different. It looks like wine when you look at; the smell and taste is the same; unless Jesus has something else in mind; where everything is changed, the smell, look, taste, substance. But that is something special and not normal; it doesn't happen every day; but actually it is; if we truly have faith and believe in the True Presence.

We must believe in the True Presence to be a Catholic and it is what kept the Early Church to have so many saints and martyrs; the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. If we believe in the True Presence in the Eucharist and Holy Chalice; why do we receive Him without going to Confession? We would be oh so very careful on how we received Our good God and to make sure our soul is clean from sin.

Oh, what beauty and loveliness and mystery is the Holy Eucharist; when we see Our good God enter our mouth or if you make a throne with your hands to receive Him; imagine seeing with your physical eyes the Sacred wounds and Him risen and entering into you and giving you strength again to be able to do His Work and Will in your life. The host dissolves in fifteen minutes; but He lasts for ever. His flesh becomes yours and His blood then becomes your blood as well. He and you become One.

This is why we must be so careful how we handle Him and receive Him.

God Bless

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