Thursday, November 18, 2010

Quid ruit matrimonio sancto?

Why is Holy Matrimony disappearing?

When Marx and all those so called "philosophers" got into the univeristies; which were started by the Catholic Church and now; some buildings may still look like a church; but are no longer using Good and Firm Philosophy; Thomas Aquinas, Plato, the great Philosophers. When the college system started to teach this and getting this way of thought into the world; which destroys logic and reason.

In Thomas Aquinas we learn his way of Logic and Reason and in Seminary and good Catholic colleges; which are few. I don't like hip Catholic schools; Catholic schools need to follow the many centuries of Church Teaching and not try to develope that this new way of thinking is the way to go.

No, it's not. We must use the Great Thinkers but be able to show and spread what you learn with the new media and new gagets.

But, if we start thinking the new philosophy that is still being created; what happens? True logic and reason is destroyed. When logic and reason is destroyed, the right way of thinking; marriage as man and woman is no longer reasonable and that anyone can get marriage; is what the new logic is saying.

But new logic isn't always good or right. It's usually making something that is wrong and immoral something that is right and moral. When these new philosophers causes damage; where does it end? Can we use the true and proven ones to defeat them? It starts in school and ends in the family; it causes division. I say, if we want Christian marriage to stay strong and defeat this new evil of homo-sexual unions; the actions and unions are evil; they are sinful; but God loves the person.

We must train the couples for marriage; I'm not saying a few weeks but I'm saying maybe a year or later. They should know Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body and understand it; they should have a developed Sacramental life and prayer life; They must read Three To Get Married by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and understand it. If the couples can prove to remain chaste and not have pre-marriage sex or live together in this time of testing.

Engagement is not a time to rush couples through; they must understand the importance of the Sacrament of Marriage.

The problem is, priests or deacons or parish marriage counselors rush couples through. Which is wrong. They should take their time and study and prepare their religious life where they will not hickup when a wall comes into their life but know to Trust in God. They must understand their bodies how God created us and that is why they should be taught Theology of the Body from Pope John Paul II's book and also study and read Three to Get Married why God must be involved with their marriage and why they get married in the church and not any where else.

Plus, they should learn how to become Christian Parents where they won't give into the world and they will protect their soul and their children's soul and get them to Heaven. Parents are to protect their children's innocents and purity; same as the parents should do for each other.

But, when parents don't learn this; they allow anything sinful into their homes and in their children's life. When this happens; we get this problem; where marriage is no longer a Sacrament in the their minds and can be for anyone. But, it can't be for anyone. It must be for those who discern and take great care to learn and prepare for this Sacrament.

Marriage isn't going away but the seriousness of the Sacrament is; the life style of a married couple; man and woman; married people are to model the Holy Family. May those who are married take a good look at their marriage and if they need to change up something; may it make their family more holy.

God bless

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