Glory To Jesus Christ
"Some Sadducees, those who deny that there is a resurrection,came forward and put this question to Jesus, saying,"Teacher, Moses wrote for us,If someone's brother dies leaving a wife but no child,his brother must take the wifeand raise up descendants for his brother.
Now there were seven brothers;the first married a woman but died childless.Then the second and the third married her,and likewise all the seven died childless. Finally the woman also died. Now at the resurrection whose wife will that woman be?
For all seven had been married to her."Jesus said to them,"The children of this age marry and remarry;but those who are deemed worthy to attain to the coming ageand to the resurrection of the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage.
They can no longer die,for they are like angels;and they are the children of Godbecause they are the ones who will rise.
That the dead will riseeven Moses made known in the passage about the bush,when he called out 'Lord, 'the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob;and he is not God of the dead, but of the living,for to him all are alive."
We can talk about the resurrection or marriage. Now, Fr. Mark at Mass today on EWTN talked about marriage; how about the resurrection? Sounds good to me.
There are two resurrections: Resurrection to Life and resurrection to death.
In the Resurrection to Life; we know what this Life is; Eternal Life. Let us look at this before we go to the Resurrection of the wicked or death.
When we are called from the grave; we stand before the judgment throne. In the Resurrection to Life; both life and death; there is no marriage. In Heaven, there is no taking or giving of a wife and husband.
When we are taken into Eternal Life; we now for sure we are pure and no stain of sin is on our soul. Because nothing impure enters Heaven. At the end of time; Purgatory is no more; because Purgatory isn't put there for all eternity; it's only temporary; because at the end; there will be Heaven and Hell.
If you are not free from sin at the end; then you will be tossed into the sulphur pit of fire; gehenna and those who hear the call from Jesus; and answer it; they will enter eternal life.
The souls in Purgatory will be released and take their bodies back; once they do this; their bodies are glorified and a sense of peace and rejoicing that no one can know until that day comes for us. The saints who are in Heaven; also go and call their bodies back to them and more rejoicing and great light; because their bodies are no longer are earthly and are on earth with all the sin and corruption; and so the bodies are at peace.
In Heaven, there we will be like the religious; chaste and single. That is why religious in monasteries are the models of what it will be like in Heaven. No marriage, no death, no illness or injuries, no cold, no hot, no rain, no snow, no sleet; nothing; it is perfect and we worship God non-stop.
People ask about marriage; but there is no marriage in Heaven; you are no longer married; because your focus is not on each other but on Jesus; as it should be while we work to get to Heaven and battle; and it is a battle to keep our soul from the corruption and sin of the world today.
Marriage isn't about being earthly; but trying to model the Holy Family. That is why Servant of God Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen wrote a book called: Three To Get Married.
Yes, three to get married: the man and woman; but before and in the middle and after; is God full most. Marriage needs God; without God; it won't last. Marriage is a sacred bond, promise to God; to take care of the child He gives you as a spouse. Each one of you is His child; and your job is to bring life into the world; children.
Then, you are to raise those children; when I mean you; I mean MOM AND DAD; teach them the faith in it's fullness: Both East and West. Take them to the Eastern Rite Liturgy; Byzantine will be so beautiful for the family; just as the Latin Mass. Your job as parents are to get each other to Heaven; the highest place in Heaven and also your children.
Marriage must have God; because we come from God and you go to God to make these sacred promises. Each one of you must be well taught about this Sacrament; if it takes a year or more in learning about the Sacrament and time of testing; good; more prepared the better. You should have a developed Spiritual Life and be close to God; not far from God; but truly close to Him in your prayer life; which includes the Mass and Confession and Adoration. Too many young couples are not prepared well enough for this Holy Sacrament; no priest wants to take the time to do this; they must prepare the couple well enough; so they are strong in the faith and not rush them off by using a O.K. Stamp on their bottoms; it takes more than that.
If you are going to be a model of the Holy Family; you must be well prepared by the priest doing the classes with you and teaching you. You do not send out a sword to battle without many times in the fire to make sure the sword doesn't break; but it is stronger and sharper than all the swords out there. Many times in the fire and cold water and many beatings on it. These engaged couples and married couples right now; need to be made or molded in the faith so their marriage is strong but also their faith is so strong; someone comes to attack their faith; they can refute it in a matter of minutes. They live a holy life; by doing what is necessary and going the extra mile to get the family into Heaven.
That is marriage in the eyes of God; it is strong in faith and has a strong relationship with God. God is the main part of the marriage. This marriage will not fail.
God bless
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