On the transformation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
The mystery and miracle of what takes place on the holy altar. The priest in the person of Christ; takes bread and wine; and he lets Jesus speak through him and through the Word, the bread and wine are no more, they are now the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Let us go back to the beginning when the first time the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. At the announcement, but greek word is, evangelization, the Angel of God spread the Word of God to Mary and Mary speaking the one Word, "fiat" God spoke and the Holy Spirit came to dwell and place Jesus in the womb of Mary; and Christ child was in the womb. The womb was the first tabernacle and monstrance; because when Mary went to her cousin; John inside her cousin; leaped for joy and also adored Jesus in the womb of Mary.
It is the same flesh that was entered Mary and which hung on the cross and the one laid to rest in the tomb and when He rose. Jesus is Jesus; He who walked on this earth 2010 years ago is in our tabernacles; which is Latin for tents.
Even though most of us do not hear his physical voice; like He was talking back then but now the voice speaks from our soul. This is so important to understand, because St. Paul said it, "If He had not rose from the dead, our faith is garabage; trash." If Jesus is who He says He is; then we know without a doubt; that Jesus is truly present in that tabernacle.
It is very sad to say today, which started with the false thinkers who put their type of philosophy into the seminary and now in most of the well known so called "catholic" colleges or in your Catechism classes at your parish. Where they teach, "that there is not a need for God; because we can do it all and everything evolves. Plus, that isn't Jesus in the tabernacle; so go and do whatever makes you feel good and happy."
Happy horse dung, we do not evolve; we are always in need of something; if there wasn't a need for God; we could at a snap of the finger produce what we needed right then and now; but we are creatures with a fallen nature. We can't go out and do what makes us feel good and happy, those are the same lies given by devil from the beginning! He wants us dead and our souls for all eternity; and he will try anything to get them; even those horse dung sayings by these not so smart, high paid college professors or catechism teachers.
If you think you are smart; because you have all the degrees; think again; "you do not know anything." Fr. John Corapi.
All the professors and Catechism teachers who think like that, plus bishops, priests and deacons and cardinals; should be removed and exiled to a monastery in solitude begging God for forgiveness for leading God's children astray. We have books and teachings by Augustine, Aquinas, all the Church Fathers who are saints and Doctors of the Church, and all the saints; and we put those new thinkers into class rooms?
No, we need teachers who truly believe in their heart and soul that Jesus is truly and physically present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Why do you think Pope Benedict asked all priests and seminarians to return to the Great Books of whom I have mentioned? As he put it as a Cardinal, "to remove the filth from the priesthood and seminary." Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger; Pope Benedict XVI.
We need teachers who will teach the faith from the Church Fathers and Doctors of the Church; without changing anything. If you are teaching Aquinas, teach it and make it is like he is teaching once again; because he was a professor. Whoever you are teaching on the subject; if it's Augustine, make it sound like him; do not water it down.
The Holy Eucharist is the same flesh that entered Mary's womb, who was baptized, scourged, nailed to the cross and rose and ascended. How can you change Jesus? He has always been the same; now He is totally transfigured as He was for a moment on Mount Tabor.
He is our food and drink; that nourishes the soul but also helps us to be like Him in our days doing His Will and work; because we become His hands and feet; we reach out to those who do not know Jesus or have forgotten about Him and so we reach out to every one.
When the priest in Persona Christi; puts his hands over the gifts and make the Sign of the Cross over them; Jesus speaks through the priest and the Holy Spirit comes down and transform the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Priests in the prison camps in World War II in Germany and Poland, lived through it and one thing got them through it; they could get enough wine and bread to say Mass each day or night; so the Real Presence of Jesus; Jesus helped those priests and people around them make it out of those prisons. That is how special and wonderful the True Presence of Jesus is.
Jesus is truly present always in the tabernacle and wanting us to be with Him. This is why we are to be slient entering and exiting the church; especially after and before Mass; to show respect to Jesus but also not disturb those who are praying.
Do not forget it; with Jesus we can do all things. Without Him; we can do nothing.
God Bless
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