Friday, November 12, 2010

On habens cor Dei

On Having a Heart for God

What does it mean, "On Having a Heart for God?" One to have a heart for God; is one who strives to do what God commands. One who does His commands; will be attacked and who strives to do His commands; will have everything including the kitchen sink thrown at the person to keep them from becoming holy; perfect; sharing in the Divine Life of God.

What does it mean to have a heart longing for God?

To have a heart longing for God; means the person is longing for Truth and Love. Which the person can not find in the world; only person they can find it in is God. People today and I even tried to find truth and love in the world; it can't be done.

Only God has the what we long for; nothing in the world; except adoration and receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion. People try and find truth and love in different things; which is very dangerous; because it usually leads them into the Occult or using drugs and then it also leads them into thinking sex is love.

God is Love; and that means God is truth. Our soul longs for each one; which means our soul; part of it is our heart; longs to rest in God. St. Augustine said it best, "Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee." Which is so true. To have a heart longing for God; means our hearts are so restless; because we search in the world to find God; some who have been taught and kept being led; are in good hands; because they will come to know God through their faith as Catholic.

But those who are not taught or have no one lead them in the way of God; they are the ones we must watch and help bring them to Jesus Christ; the Christ that St. Paul taught; not the false christ. We are our brother's or sister's keeper; we keep them from hell and bring them to God. They will go after all things trying to find truth and love; which will hurt their bodies and their souls; most will run after certain Occults; as St. Augustine did growing up and living sinful life; living in cohabitation; living with another person of the opposite sex; female and if it's a female living with a male. This is not love and this will not find truth.

To find truth and love; one must turn to God. To turn to God; means we must turn to prayer; if you do not believe in God as Fr. Benedict Groschel said in a story, "address it; to whom it may concern." And, those people prayed and believed; became Catholics. You, too, can do the same if you do not believe in God; because you must pray to come to know God. To have a heart for God; one must talk to God and learn what He wants; not what you want.

Start out by prayer and ask Him to speak to you in your heart; but to hear Him; you must learn to love Silence; because God doesn't speak in noise or flashy things; but in silence. He speaks to you through Holy Scripture. The person who has a heart for God; lives Holy Scripture as Pope Benedict wants us to do; with all these different medias; without being attached to them. To live Scripture, means we are to share and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all parts of the world once again; because the world has gotten rid of God and became interested on self and not on God.

The person is not God and yet the world turns people into different gods. God is God; we are His servants and children. One who has a heart for God; is living a life of the Virtues; which transform their heart into God's own heart. Their own heart is no longer their own but has become transformed into God's own heart by living Holy Scripture in everything they do and living prayer life and living the Virtues.

This is what it is meant by having a heart for God; where the heart becomes God's own heart. Our heart is made by God and is filled; because the heart is part of the soul; when the person is baptized and God comes to rest in you. At Confirmation is the first laying of hands on the men; if they are called to the priesthood or become deacons; with Confirmation; more of the life of God enters into us; but with a increase of prayer and Sacramental Life; we grow in the life of God; where it is how we start to transform our heart to heart for God; as David's heart was. Yes, he did all the awful sins and through God and His prophet Nathan, David repented.

We will fall, because we have fallen nature; from the first parents; Adam and Eve. In our life we have someone who is like Nathan; telling us we must go to Confession or even our soul is yelling at us to get to Confession; which means God is speaking or our Guardian Angel; to have a heart of God; means we must die to self; and let God increase and take over our life. We must stay away from all things sinful and increase in the virtues and works of mercy; bodily and spiritual works.

The saints who literally went out and preached to all nations and shed their blood; how could this be? If their heart wasn't transformed into God's heart; they couldn't of done this. We must transform our heart into God's own heart; so we can go out; as we are called to do from Confirmation; and transform the world back into a Christian Nation and world once again. How could St. Francis go and preach to the head of the Muslims? Also, nearly convert him to become Catholic? Because his own heart was God's own heart. We have two good examples of this; two hearts that have not corrupted over time: St. Jean Marie Vianney and St. Teresa of Avila. Those two hearts are literally God's own heart. That is how transformed their hearts were; as is my little sister in the Carmelite order; The Little Flower.

Finally, with this and I hope I wrote well on God and how to have a Heart for God.

God Bless

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