Saturday, November 27, 2010
Reflection: Preparation For The Coming of Christ
The promise of One who is to come starts after the fall of the human race; when Adam and Eve sinned against God. That is when we know Jesus will come; but it starts way before this; at the moment when God wanted to create the Heavens and the earth and all the planets and every living thing.
Blessed Don Scotus, was with a group of people who started to do the, "what if" idea and question. "What if Adam and Eve never sinned, would redemption ever happen?" Blessed Don Scotus said, "yes, it would happen, because, Man can not save himself and so God would of had to send Himself from Heaven and become Man and redeem Man."
While we wait and prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ; we also must prepare for the return of Jesus Christ to judge the living and the dead.
To prepare for His coming once but also the second time; it should be full of penance and sacrifice; making our soul ready to enter Heaven and stand face to face with God. When He comes back for the final time, there will be no more cleaners for the soul; Purgatory; just Heaven and Hell. Your either in or you are not; at the end of time; which is what the start of Advent prepares us for. When it comes closer to Christmas; then things become more in line with the first coming; the birth of Jesus Christ.
In the books by St. Ambrose bishop of Milan Italy; they are on On The Duties of the Clergy
They are for everyone I think; I've only read two chapters and the 8th paragraph speaks true on how we will be judged at the end on every little detail; even how we speak. In the first two chapters have been on silence and hearing or listening to God speak; rather than we speak and God listen all the time.
It does seem like everyone does not know how to reflect in silence. Holy Silence is a gift given by God; to those who are more silent than others; who are more talkative. He; St. bishop Ambrose; one who is the silent type; can contemplate and reflect better than those who are not silent; when you are silent; you can reflect on the questions being asked and be able to break them apart and answer them more completely. When you are a silent person, you know when to speak and when not to speak; and when you do speak; it will be of the greatest words ever; because you are listening to God and speaking what He tells you to speak.
St. Ambrose once again says in his first book, "Now we ought to learn before everything else, but to be silent, that we may be able to speak?" "lest my voice should condemn me, before that another aquit me; for it is: "By thy words thou shalt be condemned."
"What need is there, then, that thou shouldest hasten to undergo the danger of condemnation by speaking, when thou cans, be safe by keeping silent? How many have I seen to fall into sin by speaking, but scarcely one by keeping silent; and so it is more difficult to know how keep silent than how to speak."
"One speaks because they do not know how to keep silent. It is seldom that one is silent even when speaking profits him nothing. He is wise, then, who knows how to keep silent. Lastly, Wisdom of God said, "The Lord hath given me the tongue of learning, that I should know when it is good to speak." "Justly, then, is he wise who has received of the Lord to know when he ought to speak. Wherefore the Scripture says well: "A wise man will keep silence until there is opportunity."
Final from St. Ambrose, "Therefore the saints of the Lord loved to keep silence, because they knew that a man's voice is often the utterance of sin, and a man's speech is the beginning of human error."
So, how many loves the silence and how many spend time in the silence? We don't tell ourself what to do; but God does and God also tells us what to tell others who work with us or hanging out with us; if we pay attention to the voice of God.
When we speak; most of the time we utter sinful speech. If we do not know what it is we are saying or if it will be hurtful; means we aren't reflecting or thinking before we speak. What happens when we speak; we do not know what we speak; but if we spend time in reflection and asking God to give us the words to speak; then we may speak; because it will not be of our own words but the words of God; giving a testatment to Him and teaching, also enlightening those around us in the things of God.
When Eve spoke; that was too late because she did not listen to God tell her or Adam; not to accept the fruit from that one tree which was forbidden to touch or to eat of. When Eve accepted the fruit and ate of it and then told Adam to eat and he accepted; the first time Man spoke but brought about human error. When Man speaks as Man; he will speak error; but if Man speaks of God; with the Words of God; then the man will speak correctly.
We must be careful how we speak, every time I type; I take a few moments to reflect on what to say; because if we speak as man; we utter sin but if we speak as Peter did when he proclaimed Jesus the Son of God; speaking with the Words given by Our Heavenly Father; then we may speak.
People today speak too much and too often; not enough time in reflection and listening to God speaking to us. If we want to become a saint, we must be lovers of true silence in the Presence of God and listen to Him speak to us and speak what He tells us to speak. Because if we do not; every word could and will condemn us or condemn each other; as St. Ambrose says in the latter words I have shared from him in this reflection.
Our world is too noisy; never being in reflection but always speaking; because they do not know how to be silent. Or, afraid of being silent; because of what they may hear; they may learn about their soul; which will scare each one. It may be the bad scare or a good scare; a good scare is where the Fear of God is put into their life and soul.
To be a reflection of the Crucified and Risen God; we must spend time in silence in Eucharistic Adoration; which is being in His True Presence; God in our midst.
More people would be in fear and trembling; when they entered their local parish church; if each time the Eucharistic specie of looking like bread wasn't there; and they would fall to their knees weeping and asking for mercy; which He would give. What a beautiful sight that will be and is; if you do the Ignatian Spirituality; using your imagination to imagine when you see the Eucharist exposed; you don't see bread but you see the glorified Jesus Christ or even the bloodied Jesus Christ on the cross.
We do need to be very careful when we speak; because you never know when it may return to condemn you at your judgment.
God bless
What Has Changed?
What has changed in America? Something has changed and I'm not sure for the worse or the better. I've just finished watching all of the movie Gettysburg; both sides; North and South. Most of them, good God fearing men.
God fearing men; both defending their home lands and proud of their country and family who fought to create America and proud of the military. Yes, some fought to keep slavery; which is wrong.
The government has become something George Washington didn't want; big government were it controls the people; he wanted the people to control the government. We have people in office I'm ashamed to call Americans; who do not want us to fight in wars that have great cause to protect our lands.
GeorgeWashington didn't want four or five different parties of governement; but two. If the people in government will not read and follow to the letter what the founding fathers said to do; I say they must be removed and all government officals who are too worried about money and power should be banned from running ever again.
We don't care about your name; we care about this name: The United States of America. As the coach of the U.S. hockey team in 1980; "the name on the front is more important than the name on the back."
Our country can not run without God; if we leave out God; our country will fail and is failing. If you don't want God in your country; then move some where that is set up for you. But if you want freedom of religion and to practice your religion; where the government can't create a religion or boss religions around; that is America.
Tomorrow is the start of the Advent season; a time of preparing for the birth of Jesus Christ our saviour and God. Don't go with the trend and buy immodest clothing; but buy religious books and movies and music to give for Christmas. Keep and put God back in His rightful place in America once again.
I think it is foolish for the Protestant brothers and sisters not to have their church services on Sunday; they miss the point of why church service is on Sunday; because the Lord Jesus Christ was risen on Easter Sunday; which made Sunday the Lord's Day. It started the day before in the Jewish Tradition and then moved when God Himself rose on Sunday from the Dead.
In our blessed country; we have people trying their hardest to remove God from everything and using His Holy Name to curse with; which isn't right. Then trying to replace Our Holy and One True God with false gods; as of old once again and mostly the same old false gods/idols we see in the Old Testatment that were used by the Greeks and other nations. The new idols/false gods are cars, computers, internet, anything with technology; the other false gods/idols are very old and ancient.
It still hasn't been that long ago; when the first Americans were thinking up this Blessed Country of ours; 300 or so years ago; maybe not even that. Look at it now; does it look the same as it did back then? Where we could great everyone in name of God and send them on their way with a blessing? In the cities on the east coast; a few places I bet you could; but other places would have the person thrown in jail for it.
We are loosing our Christian idenity; because the Gospel isn't being lived out or spread any more; as Pope Benedict XVI says about our area and that is why we have so many disobedient priests and bishops and lay people not following or listening to Our Holy Father; Pope Benedict XVI.
Our Patronness; Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception; pray for us and bring the country back into your Son's control once again. So we maybe faithful to your Son and preach His Holy Name and not defile it with curse words. So we maybe faithful to your Son's faithful servant the sucessor of St. Peter and Your Vicar on earth; Pope Benedict XVI; so the Gospel will once again be preached and spread through this Blessed Country once again. Amen.
God bless
Thursday, November 25, 2010
On How One Should Dress in the House of God
On the World Over Live; on the brief and it showed a picture of a wedding; where the brides maids have bare backs.
No one should have flesh; back or chest, under arm, or anything that will cause temptation. If you want to be married in the Church; which you are to be; if you both are Catholic; East or West; you must tell every single guest and bride maid and best men; that they are to dress in the most modest manner.
When you want to enter St. Peter's Basilica; the guards will keep you out; if your shoulders, back or chest isn't covered. Which is the dress code for all the churches in the Holy Catholic Church. Just that the guards are in St. Peters to protect the Pope and all historic pieces inside the Vatican. When you enter the Vatican; you are walking on Holy Ground; the place of the death of St. Peter himself.
When you step on your parish church's ground; that is holy ground also; because where the priest kisses the altar; their should be relics of that saint and most of all; Jesus Himself who is truly present in the altar.
No priest should allow people with earings, nose rings, eye rings, tongue rings inside; because it goes against Scripture: Leviticus 19:28: "Do not lacerate your bodies for the dead, and do not tattoo yourselves. I am the LORD."
The House of God must never be defiled. One must be covered in respectful clothes; because we are not entering some house or some building; but that place of worship has been set aside, consecrated to God and once it's consecrated to God; it is like the sacred dishes used at Mass.
We have forgotten that and we must never forget. If you are planning a wedding; remember the priest and bishop is incharge; you must run things by them. Chests, butts, backs, God only knows what else; must not be seen or shown in the House of God!
No more hurting Our Lord Jesus Christ; be ready for the good orthodox Catholic priests coming from seminary; they will get in your face and challenge you; as they should; as the Church Fathers did. If you don't like it; tough; then get out! No more accepting things that may cause temptation or sin in the Church; a tough dress code should be enforced and the ushers at the local parishes; must be like the guards at St. Peters; stopping people in their tracks and making sure the parts of the body that cause temptation is covered.
I don't care if my bishop won't like it; I don't care if he punishes me for standing up for Jesus; I'm glad I challeged him to stand up for Jesus; to protect Him in the Eucharist and the Book of the Holy Gospels. I want bishops to be like St. Ambrose; who chases the heretics out of the church with his staff in hand.
I mean literally chase them out; there is a term I like; "tough love." You tell them the truth; because you love them; which will contradict their miss guided understanding and or it will correct their immoral life style. Be like the Church Fathers; be like the Holy Bishops who speak the fire of the Holy Spirit; where it stirs deep in the person's soul and totally challenges them and changes them right there in the pew at Mass or other Liturgies.
When people hear it; they weep of repentance and then go to Confession right away. Priests must speak with the Fire of the Holy Spirit; which burns away the darkness in our souls; which is how the Church Fathers spoke; but their faith was greater and yes they were tempted; but their faith was greater than it is today with the new priests and bishops of today; only two bishops I truly see this in; is Raymond Cardinal Burke and Pope Benedict XVI and the Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz and Archbishop Charles Chaput.
Every priest must be trained by the Church Fathers; as Pope Benedict has requested them to do; even priests who have been ordained for a while and the men in the seminary. If they follow one of the Church Fathers as the role model; their parish will become well formed and the people will know no messing around goes here and that this priest is serious on saving souls and keeping the heretics out and making sure no one defiles the Holy Ground and no one defiles their own person; which is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and keeps from showing up in immodest dress.
I hope this will help and God bless
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The word thanksgiving means Eucharist and the Eucharist literally means thanksgiving. Today is thanksgiving day; a day one should go to Mass and Adoration on this day; which literally means Eucharist.
Yes we have turkey, potatoes of all kinds, salads, jellos, sauces, gravies, breads, cakes, pies, meats, wines, tea, juice; because it's a big feast in America; because of the pligrims who came from England to the New World; America and came together after long hard winters and hardships with the Native Americans; both come together at peace and sit down for a feast.
We come together with people of other faiths or the same faith; who are not living the faith; but it should be a day of thanksgiving and peace; a day for putting grudges or feuds away and have the Peace of Christ in our hearts and that Peace flows between each person.
To not go to Mass; is like a denial of the Eucharist; because to truly take part of the holiday; one should have the real thanksgiving inside you; the Holy Eucharist.
If one is not able to go to Mass physically by car; then be there by EWTN. Let no one deprive you of this; you need Spiritual Strength in your soul; so you can handle the people who don't want peace at the dinner table; by having Jesus with you.
If you are sick or injured; and unable to go physically; have the true meaning of thanksgiving in your heart; Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. So you can live it and be joyful in your suffering; but also know and come to understand the real meaning of thanksgiving while you maybe home alone; but you are never alone; actually your house might be very full of guests; if you attend Mass by EWTN; all the angels and saints are there at the chapel and in your home; where you are. Plus your guardian angel and patron saints'. Most of all, Jesus is always with you.
Thanksgiving is thanksliving; because the Eucharist is a living divine person; Jesus Christ. He is the purpose of everything and when someone hijacks it; we lose this idea and fundamental teaching and thought on the Eucharist. When someone becomes a false christ and says let us do this and change the meaning of thanksgiving; which makes it neo-paganism; is how Thanksgiving is celebrated; football and over eating and over drinking and un-clean mouths against the Lord's name in vain.
Thanksgiving should be celebrated a very Christian Catholic way; The Eucharist; which means Thanksgiving. Celebrate it the right way; NOT THE PAGAN WAY!
God bless and May God be with you.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
On "The Theology of the Body."
Again, back to what newspaper that leaked the one part in the book that would start a wild fire; The Holy Father's remarks on the condom issues again; but only gave the small paragraph; not the entire statement or page; plus had it translated very poorly from German into Italian and then into English. The Holy Father, I think used what is going on right now in the world; all the homo-sexual activities; sex; which is dangerous and hurts the one doing it and the one receiving it. Both will receive the aids virus; which is a plague and which will kill.
As I started in the past blog post or article; I started to touch on the Theology of the Body.
Sex, is not something to play with; it is not a toy. God created it for one purpose and that one purpose is for the married man and woman in private to become one flesh and create life and fill the earth with their off-spring.
When God created marriage and sex; He created it for the married couple and no one else. When the fall happened; the devil and his demons started to change the world where sex has become a game or something not important and done for the most crazy reasons in the world. Where the husband cheats on his wife or the wife cheats on her husband or singles have one night stands or people who date and have sex; because they think they are in love.
What is love? A great question; but does anyone have a clue what love truly is?
That is love; look at the Spanish Crucifix. Nothing else is needed to say about love. To know and understand God; go to the Crucifix.
As I have said before, Sex is a good but it is our sinfulness and the world transforms it into a evil and into a mortal sin. When the world says, "oh no, it isn't a sin or evil; it's good for anyone and anyone should take part of it." Sound familiar? Those people in the schools making the young children grow up too fast and even the ones in middle school and high school. They government who pushes for contraception into all the world. All the magazines at the grocery store or mall; showing what? sex outside of marriage is ok or cheating is ok; that is all flith. Sex is for the married.
God bless if they bring forth life but shame on their sinful life; we must hate the sin but love the sinner; love their soul. It is like any religion that is hijacked; when Sex is hijacked; people think they can do anything with it; which is what the porn and planned parenthood companies have done and then it went from the top to the bottom to the kids; where they see something and then they try and perform it. Sex has been hijacked; because Sex was never made for evil but for good and to produce life in marriage.
IVF is also planned parenthood; because it's like a contraception; because a contraception is non-natural and Sex is to be natural; between Man and Woman who are married.
Contraceptions are evil and sinful and the Church hasn't changed Her teaching on them; no matter what the media says or what people say. In the Old Testament when one of the men put his seed on the floor; semen; God killed him. Because the man didn't want to produce life; which was one of the first contraceptions.
Sex is between the married man and woman; one man and one woman and no one else in private. Life is a beautiful gift and the marital act brings life into the world and must be respected and not tampered or hijacked.
God bless
Ecclesiae Doctrina Non Mutat
What does the Church teach on contraceptions?
All contraceptions are evil and can not be used for good. To be a contraception; must mean it takes life or prevent life; when one uses it for homo-sexual; there is no contraception; because their is no life making. As, the Pope states in the German text and in the badly translated English text; where he starts out talking how a homo-sexual man uses a condom; but the Pope took it a step further; where the man is thinking on not wanting to hurt other people and so they use the condom but then after that; they realize what they are doing is hurting another person and they will stop.
homo-sexual acts are sinful and using any and all contraception is sinful and a immoral evil.
But, what does sex truly mean?
Sex is between one man and one woman; in the Holy Sacrament of Marriage. Where life is created. Sex is to bring life into the world but not prevent life; with marriage as God founded it. The human person is not made for using contraception that prevents life and fill the body with posions; which is deadly but also aids; this virus is also deadly. Both hetero-sexual and homo-sexuals can put this deadly virus into each other's body through sex. When the homo-sexuals have sexual intercourse; there is no life being produce but death.
When the hetero-sexuals who have sex; but without going to the doctors to making sure each other doesn't have this deadly illness. When the married couple is married; they are to produce life; not to kill each other.
Sex is not bad; but Sex is for creating life. When people who are selfish and take sex out of context; they use it for pleasure but also not for life but for sport and relaxation or for fun. Sex is not to be used out of context and out of marriage; but in marriage for one thing and that is to bring forth life on this earth; to fullfill the marriage act; but if one can not have children; then one may adopted or be like G.K Chesterton and his wife; be spiritual parents.
But one can not inject into the female body the stuff to make children; because it is not natural and you become like God and become a god. God is the only one who can do this.
When we think of sex; we should already think of marriage. Because sex is for the married and no one else. If we think sex is for anyone else; then we remove the true meaning of sex and why God created Sex. Sex brings forth life as God commands all who are married; man and woman; to fill the earth with their off-spring. Sex in the marriage act is beautiful; but those who video tape it and share it with others; that makes Sex ugly and sinful.
Sex is meant for being done in privacy with the man and woman; bride and bride-groom; no one else. That is why porn is very ugly and sinful and dirty. Porn is very dangerous.
Sex is meant for life giving; not for death. This is what we learn in The Theology of the Body by John Paul II and what Pope Benedict XVI talks about it and means.
God bless
Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko
Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko, was brutally murdered by the communist secret police in Poland; for doing what Venerable Pope John Paul II started. Fr. Jerzy is a great role model for priests. He wasn't afraid of spreading the faith and keeping the faith alive in Poland; while the Russian communists wanted to remove the faith and keep the faith out of that one town that did not have a church. He was spreading the solidarity movement in Poland and he gave his life for it and the Catholic Church.
In the movie Karol, The Pope The Man; when Pope John Paul II went back to Poland; it shows Fr. Jerzy murder and what happened. Him and a friend was put into a car and drove into a secret place; his friend was kept in the car and watched Fr. Jerzy being beaten to death. I break down into tears watching it and just keep writing about it and I cried as I did on the real live broadcast on EWTN when Pope John Paul II was in his last days and moments.
I feel close to the Eastern European countries; just because of the traditions of St. Andrew going to preach the Gospel and convert the area; the tradition is that he went to Poland, Germany, Russia, the countries close by Russia, Turkey, Scotland, and a few other countries. When I found this out, it was great joy; because I'm German American and it's possible St. Andrew did work in Germany.
But, back on to Fr. Jerzy; and now I think Pope Benedict and the Polish people are working on getting Fr. Jerzy raised up to the Altars of St. Peter. He's blessed. His courage to spread the faith as we are to do and when the government over stretches it's realm; then we must be like him and also prounce who is our true ruler; Christ the King.
All the priests, deacons and layity are to be brave and live the virtues; if we live this; being faithful to the Sacrament of Confession and the Eucharist; living these Sacraments in our own life in the world; we will become a saint. Pray and ask for his intercession.
He had the spirit and soul of a early Catholic who gave their life for Jesus; he wasn't scared but maybe jumpy a bit when the communists grabbed him and his friend really quick; but I think that would be like anyone; but the Peace of Christ; which the world can not give; calmed him down and allowed him to give his life for Jesus and the Church.
When our priests at Mass say "May the Peace of Christ be with you all." This is what we are to have in our soul at every moment; being at Peace; as Christ did giving of Himself freely on the Cross to die for us. The Peace of Christ; does not come from the world but from Heaven and that is the Peace which must flow from us into the world; because we are the hands, feet, eyes, mouth of Jesus and to bring His Peace into the world and then the world will be at Peace.
There will be people who don't want this and yes, we will be sent away into prisons or put to death; in the nations who forbid this type of preaching. But with the Peace of Christ; we shall no longer be afraid but firm in our faith and be like Christ carrying His cross and being scourged. That is how Fr. Jerzy was when he lived.
Fr. Jerzy pray for us and help us in the world where governments are starting to outreach their limits and help to remain brave and live the virtues as you did.
God bless
Monday, November 22, 2010
Remaining Faithful In Daily Duties
Remaining faithful in daily duties means we do them but we offer them up in prayer. This is what is meant to pray always.
If you have grand-babies or other family members who still wear diapers and you promised to watch them for whom ever; that means every task that is done to take care of them; you offer it up; as Jesus told the Little Flower when she was doing her daily duties.
When you are cooking, cleaning, sowing, needle point, writing, driving, bath room breaks, getting something to drink, open a door, carrying groceries, pull out a chair for you or someone else, changing the diaper, wiping the nose, feeding the dog, work, doing the laundry, taking medicine, fixing the house, car, bike, etc. moving chairs and couches, coaching, watching ball games, video taping for the sports team, medical work, everything that is good and moral; give it up to God and save a soul.
Right now, if you have gone to Confession; our past sins are no more; God doesn't even know them; they are erased and that is how we should think; don't care or worry about your sinful past, but stay faithful right now to the Sacrament of Penance and Eucharist; this will make you great saints.
We must give everything we do to God and if we do that; we are on the way to saint hood. Now, when we give our entire life to God to pray always, we mustn't forget our own special devotions we pray also.
We also must read and know The Catechism of the Catholic Church; to know all the teachings of the Church. Scripture, Spiritual reading; Ascent of Mount Carmel, The Life of St. Teresa of Avila, Interior Castle, The letters of the Little Flower, Writings by St. Augustine, writings by Pope Benedict XVI, Mass and Confession very frequently; we can receive Jesus twice in the Eucharist daily; but Confession every day if we need it. The Diary of St. Faustina. All those writings by the saints.
Remain Faithful and God bless
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Human Suffering: Why Is There Human Suffering?
Sin had entered into the world because we disobeyed the Will of God.Now, God permits evil which is Human Suffering to bring the greater good out of it. In our situation in America where our own president will use force by any means necessary to push his agenda; even violence.
If we do not do something before the good people come into office at January to replace these bad people. In our heart and soul we must remove everything that isn't of God.
All this talk of being right, left, republican, democrat, liberal or progressive will never change America back to the way America was; founded on God and His Law.
God is our answer; not the false sense of God but the True Sense of God as we know and believe in the Church.
Prayer and Fasting; but we mustn't be afraid to practice our faith and religion in the public square; never let anyone say the law of the Soviet Union on you; we are allowed to practice our religion any where.
We must have hope and trust in God's Providence and Trust in His loving care. "To be Catholic; one can not chose; it is not a salad bar." Cardinal O'Connor.
We must fight with love; because you can't fight with evil against evil. Evil will destroy it self and come back under a new name and face. Look at it right now; started all the way back at the beginning and look it at it now. Nazism reborn with a new name and face.
We mustn't loose hope and we mustn't loose God; if we loose God in our soul; we have lost all hope.That is what our so called leaders want; us to loose hope and remove God from our soul.
That is the point of this secularism in the world; worse than it started back when the Soviet Union took over in Russia. It is worse now; but slowly God is coming back and it will take a long time.
Keep God in your heart and give the human suffering to Him.
God bless
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Getting Together For Thanksgiving and Christmas
Not in hate or anger; not in gluttony or drunkedness or couples living together out of wedlock; that is what the world has done to this celebration and holiday.
It turned into something neo-paganism; where you have to eat until you can't breath; drink as much as you can; so you can't walk or see; then watch the New Gladitors; or Football on tv. Reminds me of Rome when it was still a empire. Christians dying by the thousands for not denying Christ and His Teachings.
If you are going through this same problem; when you want to wake up and live your Christian Life how God wants you to live it but everyone wants you to come to their house and watch them get drunk or over eat or argue about something; I say; I rather stay home; where it's only a 3 mile drive or walk to the church to be with Our Lord Jesus Christ in His True Presence.
If you have all the makings for a Thanksgiving Dinner; Cook it; eat a little bit and wrap the rest up and save it. We are thankful for the home, for our life and family, for being born into the Catholic Church and thankful for God Almighty.
Why is it a problem for Christians to act like Christians or want to live their Christian Faith without deny Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Teachings? It shouldn't be a problem but it is with the world; they want us to become worldly and when we say no thank you, they come at us and hate us; nothing hasn't changed in those thousands of years; still being fed to the lions and other wild animals; sometimes literally or non-literal. But if we say yes, thank you; we have just denied Christ and His Teachings; we have become a traitor; as many Christians did become in Rome or the Roman Empire when the soliders came to their house for the books and Mass vestments and dishes and everything; some gave them up and others died for it.
I would rather die than deny Christ. That should be our mindset; each one of us Catholic Christians. But, we know it is not and some chose the way of the world as I have described it to you.
Christmas is about the same; a little more hateful towards Christmas; because of the first part: "Christ." The devil hates that part. Then the second, "Mas" Missa. To celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ; who humbled Himself down to become Man and to redeem us.
Where most places are denying the Navity. But allowing everything else that has nothing to do with Christmas. Why is that? I think because the devil hated the idea when God showed His plan to the Angels and the devil still hates it.
The Christmas parade and Thanksgiving Parade; have nothing to do with Christmas. I say, watch something that Charles Dickens wrote to scare the Christmas Spirit back into you; is what he actually wrote after he had written the Christmas Carol. I love it; I wake up early and watch it on TNT. It's one of my favorite movies to watch. I love reading the book too and saying the lines.
Then watching the Christmas Day Message with Pope Benedict XVI. Then going to Mass here; all dressed up. Oh what a wonderful time and then spending time with Our Good God on His birthday after Mass; easily another hour with Him.
The world has ways we should celebrate these holidays; but I say; we don't listen to them. We follow the Church and the Pope; we stay close to St. Peter and his successors. We stay close to Jesus.
I love the Jesuit way of thinking; from St. Ignatius of Loyla, "Start the day with a prayer and end with prayer." But, we start the meal and all through it we pray and give thanks to God for it.
God bless
Crux facta est gravis ad portandum.
Yes, I'm writing on the Cross again. It goes with the writing, "what have I gotten myself into?" It does seem that my cross has become too heavy carry any more. Becoming a Carmelite Monk and working your butt off to remain faithful to the Church and the Pope; is even more difficult; with these people doing what Jesus said they would do, "oh I seen Him over there, no I saw His mother over there and she is going to tell us when the end of the world is."
I know I will take heat again talking on this topic. On Open Line; on EWTN radio; someone asked about the so called "apparations of Mary" in Bosnia. This is what the radio host said, "Yes, there are some good fruit; people coming back to the faith, praying the Rosary more and all of that good stuff; but the past bishop and the new bishop wants all parish or diocese trips to that place stopped; because it has not been okayed by the Church and there is bad fruit as well; disregarding the Pope's Authority and that He is Peter. Mary would never do that; go against Peter; because she knows Jesus gave authority to Peter and Mary loved Peter like a son and Peter loved Mary as a mother."
It is so hard to remain a loyal and faithful Catholic to St. Peter and his successors; when this type of mess is going on inside the Church; where the faithful have become unfaithful and going along and saying these crazy things about so called sightings true sightings of Mary or Jesus or anyone else from Heaven; by whose authority do they have that power to say they are true or false? Peter has the authority; he is the Vicar of Christ and we are to remain loyal to Peter. I have shared all the Vortex episodes and CIA episodes with you and if you have been watching them; you know we are in a serious place; where people want to make a new "catholic" Church to rival Rome.
I hear from it and witness it from all sides; all I want to do is be faithful to my spiritual brother Peter and ask St. Andrew to help me. If one day that so called church is built; it will not last; because it does not have Divine Protection as the One True Church and how do we know that these so called "catholics" are really Catholic or belong to the Church; there is a group of people who call themselves something and Mel Gibson is part of it; believing Pius XII was the only real Pope and after him; just fakers. I learned that on EWTN Radio.
I like Pius XII; but not that much; he will become a saint but he isn't God or a god; so he can't be worshiped.
The devil is coming from all sides and being a angel; I guess he can do that. Plus he has his demons also working with him to do this. It feels like the cross is becoming too heavy to carry but we must carry it and ask for help.
Every time we fall and stop; we become sitting ducks and great targets for the devil and his demons. We must keep moving; a moving target is harder to hit. When I stop moving; I fall and stumble and then I need Confession again and I'm so thankful to God for allowing Confession on Sunday before Mass. It's also a blessing.
We must get up and get cleaned up; plus start moving again. Yes, our souls are being attacked by the devils and we need to protect ourself.
Our cross is fit for ourself and yes it can be made heavy or light. I feel like my cross is very heavy and it seems it has the weight of a few tons. What have I gotten myself into? Something good if I can beat the temptations and keep them from becoming sins. I know I can't do it myself but need God's help and the intercession of the saints.
The devil and his demons like to attack when one is trying to leave the world and become closer to God by joining a cloister religious order. What have I gotten into? I think the hornet's nest was disturb and angry when you start to follow God but the devil doesn't want you to follow Him and will try and do anything and anything means; the temptations will become harder to fight off.
We are all tempted; some worse than others and where the temptation becomes too harsh to fight off and you know you've lost that round but for us; there are more than twelve rounds in this fight. We go into the corner, we get our eye cut open so we can see; we get the bleeding stopped and then we go back out there for another round and another. Confession is like our boxing trainer who fixes us up after each round of the fight. Trust me, it's a fight; but what you can't do in boxing is call for help; in this fight we can call.
Keep fighting and I must also keep fighting and keep getting fixed up in my corner.
God bless
Quid ruit matrimonio sancto?
When Marx and all those so called "philosophers" got into the univeristies; which were started by the Catholic Church and now; some buildings may still look like a church; but are no longer using Good and Firm Philosophy; Thomas Aquinas, Plato, the great Philosophers. When the college system started to teach this and getting this way of thought into the world; which destroys logic and reason.
In Thomas Aquinas we learn his way of Logic and Reason and in Seminary and good Catholic colleges; which are few. I don't like hip Catholic schools; Catholic schools need to follow the many centuries of Church Teaching and not try to develope that this new way of thinking is the way to go.
No, it's not. We must use the Great Thinkers but be able to show and spread what you learn with the new media and new gagets.
But, if we start thinking the new philosophy that is still being created; what happens? True logic and reason is destroyed. When logic and reason is destroyed, the right way of thinking; marriage as man and woman is no longer reasonable and that anyone can get marriage; is what the new logic is saying.
But new logic isn't always good or right. It's usually making something that is wrong and immoral something that is right and moral. When these new philosophers causes damage; where does it end? Can we use the true and proven ones to defeat them? It starts in school and ends in the family; it causes division. I say, if we want Christian marriage to stay strong and defeat this new evil of homo-sexual unions; the actions and unions are evil; they are sinful; but God loves the person.
We must train the couples for marriage; I'm not saying a few weeks but I'm saying maybe a year or later. They should know Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body and understand it; they should have a developed Sacramental life and prayer life; They must read Three To Get Married by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and understand it. If the couples can prove to remain chaste and not have pre-marriage sex or live together in this time of testing.
Engagement is not a time to rush couples through; they must understand the importance of the Sacrament of Marriage.
The problem is, priests or deacons or parish marriage counselors rush couples through. Which is wrong. They should take their time and study and prepare their religious life where they will not hickup when a wall comes into their life but know to Trust in God. They must understand their bodies how God created us and that is why they should be taught Theology of the Body from Pope John Paul II's book and also study and read Three to Get Married why God must be involved with their marriage and why they get married in the church and not any where else.
Plus, they should learn how to become Christian Parents where they won't give into the world and they will protect their soul and their children's soul and get them to Heaven. Parents are to protect their children's innocents and purity; same as the parents should do for each other.
But, when parents don't learn this; they allow anything sinful into their homes and in their children's life. When this happens; we get this problem; where marriage is no longer a Sacrament in the their minds and can be for anyone. But, it can't be for anyone. It must be for those who discern and take great care to learn and prepare for this Sacrament.
Marriage isn't going away but the seriousness of the Sacrament is; the life style of a married couple; man and woman; married people are to model the Holy Family. May those who are married take a good look at their marriage and if they need to change up something; may it make their family more holy.
God bless
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
"What Have I Gotten Myself Into?" On the religious life vocation call
In discerning for my vocation; God leads you every where; testing you and seeing if you can be faithful to Him. But, how many times do we want to listen and follow His lead? In this world we live in today, not many but the young men and women who are listening and following God's lead; they are ending up at traditional religious orders, Order of St. Dominic, Carmelites that was reformed by St. Teresa of Avila, Franciscans; Mother Angelica's Francisican sisters.
In my life, early life when I was very sinful and thinking of what I wanted to do but not what God wanted. I thought Special Forces, Army sniper, Marine Corps Scout sniper, Navy Seal, all those things; which are good; but it's not good if you aren't asking God if this is the right thing for me or for you. God does have His ways of making us listen and follow His lead; a injury to slow us down and think for a few moments or for a while.
You need a strong body and bones and everything to go through all that hard and nearly deadly training and once you start having a injury; pretty soon another injury will occur or you will get sick. So, instead of looking for info from the worldly way; I turned my focus to God and He popped in my head the question a wonderful priest had asked me when I was six or seven; I was very young, "Do you want to become a priest?" At the time I said I don't know.
Now, many years later and retold that story thousands or so times. When you find out you are on the right track and heading to the place God wants you to be at, the demons and the devil come out of the wood work and attack you and try to change your mind. You start to think, "What have I gotten myself into here?"
When you request entrance into the ancient order of the Carmelite Monks who follow the Ancient way of life and the way of life developed by St. Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross; you know you will become targets and be tempted; everything thrown at you; including the kitchen sink. You can do one thing, flog yourself with a dog leash or belt; or you can use Holy Water; they; the demons hate it; I'm going to try and get my priest to bless some salt too; but I think I'll have to wait till my friend comes back to town; Fr. Tony.
Every night St. Teresa of Avila used Holy Water and she said, "the demons ran off trembling." Also, humility does it too; the demons and the devil hate humility and that is why St. Francis went to get Br. Leo; because Br. Leo was more humble than St. Francis; he was actually Fr. Leo but was called brother and Leo did the exorcism; I don't think it took that long; the devil was scared of Br. Leo; because of his humility.
To think that thought is good; it keeps you reflecting on your vocation and call to be a Carmelite Monk and the great sacrifice you make to become one. Where you are in the Cloister for the rest of your life praying, reading and working. The Ancient way of life; means if the community needs more priests; the superior will go give the nudge to some guys and get them to pray on it and see if God says yes and they say yes. I'm just looking forward to becoming a Monk and if they need more priests, I'll gladly go to Seminary in Denton Nebraska.
One must not wait to begin the detox from the world but start now and when you enter; it won't be as hard and very quick transition into the Monastic way of life. Start by trying to live that way of life here at home; but you won't be able to live the cloister life style; because you have to travel for Mass, Confession and Adoration. When that thought comes into your head or my head; we must smile and say, "Oh it will be so great to give up everything for the Kingdom of God and to become Saints."
God bless
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
De Invigilandi
Thanksgiving and Christmas is coming up really fast. We all have families and they are all different; but we must be watchful and if you think Pagan activity will take place; you have a big choice; a actual choice; either experience that situation or situations and have second hand sin; or stay home and keep your soul as clean as you can with the help of God.
I know there could be situations by three or more people at I think will be my aunt's house or could be up here next door at my uncle's house. I'm thinking on staying home from both; or I may not be here and be in the Monastery.
Anyone could fix a personal Thanksgiving meal and Christmas meal; by going to the store and buying a small chicken or a Cornish Game Hen; fixing a small amount of mash potatoes and some stuffing; plus dinner rolls.
I rather do that and not hurt our good God by witnessing something sinful and being afraid to speak up or if you do speak up; they may ask you to leave; well; if you aren't any where close to home; how would you get home? I guess, make yourself comfortable outside or in the truck or car.
Knowing the Holy Spirit; He may make you kick them out and keep your aunt's home pure and holy. If they are so called "catholic" He may command them go to Confession at that moment and start the annulement process.
We must be watchful in those moments; if you know that it will repeat what happened from last year or be worse; then don't go; stay home, go to Confession before Mass, Mass and stay afterward praying. Be with Jesus and stay close to Peter; the Pope. This is what I will do; do not be afraid to do this; we are to protect our souls and if we are to become saints; we can't be any where that could hinder it.
Yes, your parents will be upset if they do not understand the super natural point of view and the great harm that it will cause to each one's soul. We must not hurt God for our own purpose or gain or pleasure.
It is not, "oh we will go and eat and then leave." NO! It's all or nothing for Our God. If you love God totally; you will go ALL IN; staying at home. But, the parents will still go because they don't want to offend the request and because it's a meal pre-prepared. Was the First Thanksgiving Pagan or Christian like? Christ Like. Each and every one should be like that; prayer; a living prayer.
Now, Christmas gifts. What to buy or not to buy?
One must be watchful what you buy for Christmas gifts; nothing sexual or lead to sexual activity, immoral life style, violence, nothing that leads to all sins; mortal and venial.
Nothing Occult. So, be careful what movie you buy for a child for Christmas and what book. Buy the Christmas Carol; it's on dvd and I love Charles Dickens Christmas Carol. By good Catholic Movies from a good Catholic book store or EWTN Religious store.
By good Catholic books, movies, music; Gregorian Chant; beautiful, Music from the Vatican. Get people a good bible, Navarre, The Ignatius Catholic bible; it usually has a blue cover. The Catechism of the Catholic Church.
If they like to read; give them Pope Benedict's books, John Paul II, St. Teresa of Avila, The Little Flower, St. John of the Cross, Padre Pio, Cure of Ars, St. Augustine, St. Jerome.
Get them good solid books they can read but study. The new book by Jimmy Akin; The Fathers Know Best.
We must be watchful on everything we do, give, buy, read, watch and listen. Pray and be Watchful.
God bless
Diabolus non constat et est in nobis
Let us pray before I write and you read this next topic:
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in praelio. Contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur. Tuque princeps militiae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo divina virtute in infernum detrude. Amen.
I will not lecture you on Theology or Philosophy too much this time; but past experiences.
Last Sunday Fr. Wade told us what were the top ten things that scare us and the devil wasn't mentioned; but snakes were. That is funny and scary at the same time, no one is afraid of the devil or hell.
I guess I should of found the list and voted; but it wouldn't of made the Top Ten list. In the world we pay a lot of money to go get glimpse at hell or the devil at the movies or just stay home and watch him or see what hell is on tv.
Those will send you there; if you watch them enough times. The devil has no power over God; when the movies give Satan all the power; even over God; that is Satan at work; Satan is working through those movie people and makers. Even those who make tv shows.
They have an idea of what he is like and what hell is; but I would like to share my personal experiences to wake you up and even re-awaken myself up to become as holy as I can become through the help of God.
When I was in grade school and it was Halloween time; I wasn't into my faith as I am now; but I was very mature young kid; my voice changed from high to low; where it sounds like Johnny Cash most of the time; that is how low it changed. One time, I dressed up like Count Dracula; the fake teeth hurt and tasted bad. The fake blood was worse that came with the costume. The medal Dracula always wore; it started to freak me out and it wasn't real; it as plastic; but what it symbolized became more and more present every time I walked by the room where it was on the shelf.
I had to run past the door into another room; always felt un-easy and scared to death; I was looking over my shoulder and scared most of the time. The next year I dressed up about the angel I'm talking about; satan himself. I had this horrible mask; looked real. I put in the spare bedroom in a box I think it was; because I was done with it. Few weeks later I had to go to the bath room and the door was open in the spare room; which is right across from mine and there looking at me; two red eyes. I lost the urge to go to the bathroom and ran into my bed room and covered my head with my covers. By that time I had the entire Goosp Bumb book series for a few years.
We burned that mask and medal; finally the scary feeling was gone. But, it was not over. In Grade school still; going to bed and telling every one good night; I turned and saw a hand coming after me and I ran back to the couch with mom and dad and stayed up with them; finally both tucked me in.
In fifth grade I wasn't live a life of purity and so I can imagine he was happy with that and laughing how he does for the evil sinful things we decide to do and deny God.
After college and after Fr. Thomas' first talk on his first book he wrote on Exorcism; where the lights went out on The World Over Live; I prayed for a week asking God what He thought; if I should be interested in this with the vocation God chose for me and it was like He gave me the green light or thumbs up. Then the fun; well not really; began to happen.
Felt like a bull eye was on me now. Temptations have become very strong and hard to fight off. Sightings or voices I would of liked not to hear or see; but for some reason God has allowed it and allows it to happen. One night I was reading over information to see what was going on with my cousin and I was getting ready for bed; getting under the covers; in the corner where my Christmas Tree would be; if it was Christmas time; stood a dark shadow figure; like in a hood; it looked at me and then bowed as to say yes with it's head area. Then it was gone; if i had my phone on; i could of took a picture of the thing.
My mom to this day still believe me in what I saw that night. Everytime when I am home alone; I hear my mom's voice or someone else who is dear to me; and I know where my mom is; because she would tell me before leaving and knowing where those other people are; in class or working.
Tonight, I was fixing my mom a Pepsi; and that same thing spoke; but not with someone else's voice but I believe with it's own voice; not sure. It called out to me; "Andy!" drawing it out for a long time; slowly and scary and scratchy sounding.
If this scares you, sorry but also good; the devil is real and he does prowl like a lion waiting to pounce on the weakest victim and we must not be the weakest victim.
May St. Michael protect you all.
Monday, November 15, 2010
In Sacras Animabus Purgatorii
Purgatory is a Temporary State; it will not be there for all eternity. In Purgatory we go and get purified so we can enter Heaven. We know of souls coming to ask for prayers to many saints and one that is weird where this one soul didn't ask for prayers but Padre Pio said he would celebrate Mass for him and the guy replied, "no, then I'm going to suffer more."
The souls are in need of our prayers to get them cleaned quicker; but God decides when to bring them into Heaven; unless the souls wore a brown Scapular; then Mary goes personally and brings them to Heaven.
What will happen when the End of History happens? Well, Purgatory will be empty and it will be no more. Those who lived a virtuous life will be in Heaven and those who did not; will be in Hell.
Purgatory literally means purification; being cleansed; where you are made new. In Heaven, we will look like the Risen Christ; all our defects will be no more; we will have the perfect body, hair, face, chest, everything. No more illness or injury.
November is the month the Holy Souls in Purgatory must like; because the increase prayers for them; or there should be. Judas Maccabee and his soldiers buried the dead but also prayed for them; this was in the Second Book of Maccabee. In different passages of the New Testatment are the ones for Purgatory also.
Protestants want the word Purgatory but the word wasn't put into practice until St. Augustine when he said the latin word for Purgatory. The Jewish people believe and still do; since they don't accept Jesus as the Saviour; so they believe the Just are still in Purgatory and the damned in gehenna. But in the Gospel of St. Luke, Jesus said, "whoever listens to you, listens to me, but those who deny you, deny Me, if they deny Me; they deny the One who sent Me." Which means in a way; the Jewish people and Muslims and all those who deny Jesus and don't believe in Him like we believe in Him; in a way deny God; as Jesus said in Scripture.
But, they also believe in the God of Abraham. The believe in the One True God but not the information He revealed. This is a very touchy subject and must be careful; they believe in the same God as we do; but not in the revealed information and truths.
On the Holy Souls in Purgatory is a great devotion for us to pray for them; they are our brothers and sisters that we are to pray for and not forget.
One man didn't want to die in America or at least be buried here; because we tend to forget the souls in Purgatory and get too caught up in the world, he put on his tomb stone, "Do not forget to pray for me." Have we become a people who worry over every new gaget as our Holy Father knows we have and forgotten the Holy Bible; The Word of God and put our trust in gagets. Yes, the new styles of media and gagets are good; but we must use them to be missionaries to flock online and gather the flock to Christ.
But, when gagets become over powering and not in the use for what the bishops of America are now calling for but what the Holy Father has been asking for a while; use the new technology and new media to spread the Gospel where the Gospel has been lost and replaced.
We need to Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in America once again, we are called to do this from our baptism and confirmation; to go out and make disciples as Jesus said and baptizing them in the "Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." We have lost this in our life; but the mission has not changed since the end of the Gospel of St. Matthew's Gospel.
To get Catholics to pray and take this seriously to pray for our brothers and sisters in Purgatory to help them get to Heaven. We must spread to them the Holy Gospel; which is Jesus. If they do not know Jesus; they won't take anything of the Holy Faith seriously. They must have faith but also know it and know why we do this for the souls in Purgatory.
They want our prayers to help get them to Heaven and even if they don't ask and they may suffer more; but it is for their good to get purified.
Pray for them and spread the Holy Gospel to every one with the new gagets and media that you use.
God bless
On Discerning a Carmelite Vocation
How do we do this? I will tell you in steps.
1. Humility.
We need true humility in our life and prayer life. A proud soul does not pray well but a humble soul does. In Holy Scripture we read and learn which the two are. The pharisee is the proud soul, telling God how good he is and praising himself and not God. The humble soul is the tax collector who can't lift his head up to Heaven but asks for Mercy from God and to forgive him for cheating his people. He is also in the back corner and not up front as the first person.
To learn humility we must ask for it; we go to God and beg Him to help make you humble and take away the pridefulness that is dangerous to your soul; the bad pride which is sin. Also, you learn humility by humbling yourself in the Confessional. Kneeling down to a priest who is in the Person of Christ and you tell him your sins.
True prayer needs true humility.
2. Silence
We need Silence to hear God and before the reform of the Carmelite Order; it was noisy and busy at the convent. St. Teresa of Avila's friend said that St. Teresa should reform it and after Mass one day; she did. Where they observed or followed the ancient rule of Our Lady of Mount Carmel; where it was cloistered and no more talking. Everyone worked in silence and had smaller cells and lived a very severe life.
Our prayer life should be done in silence; but later on I will touch on vocal prayer. We must live a life of contemplative prayer; it is very simple prayer; where you and God talk in your heart.
St. Teresa had a very hard time and she used good holy books; books on prayer to help her to meditate and she became a Master in the Spiritual Life; just as her reform helper with the friars; St. John of the Cross.
To hear God speak to you; we must be silent; we must shut our mouth and open our heart to be able to hear God speak to you. St. Jean Marie Vianney said it best when asked how he prayed, "I look at Him and He looks at me."
Nothing else; it is simple to pray. You look at Jesus and He looks at you; you do not say anything with your mouth with physical words but spiritual in silence. All we have to do; is be willing to be silent and sit still and listen to Our good God and He will help you grow in your prayer life.
In Silence in the Presence of God; you grow closer to Him in your relationship and this is true as St. Teresa of Avila wrote so well on.
3. True Compassion and Love For God
To have a relationship with God and grow in this relationship; one must have true love and compassion for God.
What does it mean to love God truly?
To love God truly means to have a fear of God. This is where people get confused; "The Fear of the Lord" means to have a fear not to disobey God; because God is our Father and we have a fear not to disobey our earthly dad; because he will be upset and sadden we have disobeyed him and he will punish us; which God does.
To love God is to do what God commands us to do and not to disobey Him.
When we have true compassion and love for God when we pray; we must have True love for God and that means we fully trust in Him; to have love for God; means we must trust in Him.
Now, how are we to pray to God; with humility and compassion for God; we ask as St. Teresa of Avila says, "we ask for great things but nothing out of pride." We ask for great gifts from God. What can we ask from God; to make us saints; what else is there?
Nothing else, if we ask for this; I would think everything else comes with it that takes to become a saint. We aren't to ask for silly things, like a round ball and a square hole and then ask God to make it fit; God would never do that; because it is unlogical. God is the God of Logic, the devil is unlogical.
4. Final
Now, to grow close to God; we should have a relationship with His mother; Mary. The vocal prayer is the Rosary, Litanies and also the Liturgy of the Hours and the Holy Mass.
The greatest form of prayer is the Holy Mass that is done correctly and reverently. This is why the Carmelite monks in Wyoming are using the Traditional Mass; the Latin Mass and Gregorian Chant. To grow closer to God and be able to lift up their spirits at the Mass or at the Liturgy of the Hours with the Gregorian Chant; which comes to slow down our self and remove our self from the world and place our self into the sacred.
Discerning a Carmelite Vocation; means to die to self and put on the heavenly. This is what happened at your baptism; you take off the earthly and we rise with Christ. We no longer focus on the earthly but on the things of above; as St. Paul writes and tells us in his letters.
When you enter the cloister; you remove your earthly clothes and put on the clothes of eternal life; where you detach yourself from the world and grow closer to God and you start to ascend the mansions of your soul and once you start learning and living humility in your prayer life; you move up to one and at the end; when you reach the summit of Mount Carmel; you are in the final mansion with the King and the King is God and you share in His Divine Life.
Once this happens, you have become a saint; because St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross and the Little Flower are in that Mansion with the King with all the saints in Heaven. But, you could be a living saint and always humble.
God Bless
Sunday, November 14, 2010
De transfigurantes panem et vinum in corpus et sanguis Iesu
The mystery and miracle of what takes place on the holy altar. The priest in the person of Christ; takes bread and wine; and he lets Jesus speak through him and through the Word, the bread and wine are no more, they are now the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Let us go back to the beginning when the first time the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. At the announcement, but greek word is, evangelization, the Angel of God spread the Word of God to Mary and Mary speaking the one Word, "fiat" God spoke and the Holy Spirit came to dwell and place Jesus in the womb of Mary; and Christ child was in the womb. The womb was the first tabernacle and monstrance; because when Mary went to her cousin; John inside her cousin; leaped for joy and also adored Jesus in the womb of Mary.
It is the same flesh that was entered Mary and which hung on the cross and the one laid to rest in the tomb and when He rose. Jesus is Jesus; He who walked on this earth 2010 years ago is in our tabernacles; which is Latin for tents.
Even though most of us do not hear his physical voice; like He was talking back then but now the voice speaks from our soul. This is so important to understand, because St. Paul said it, "If He had not rose from the dead, our faith is garabage; trash." If Jesus is who He says He is; then we know without a doubt; that Jesus is truly present in that tabernacle.
It is very sad to say today, which started with the false thinkers who put their type of philosophy into the seminary and now in most of the well known so called "catholic" colleges or in your Catechism classes at your parish. Where they teach, "that there is not a need for God; because we can do it all and everything evolves. Plus, that isn't Jesus in the tabernacle; so go and do whatever makes you feel good and happy."
Happy horse dung, we do not evolve; we are always in need of something; if there wasn't a need for God; we could at a snap of the finger produce what we needed right then and now; but we are creatures with a fallen nature. We can't go out and do what makes us feel good and happy, those are the same lies given by devil from the beginning! He wants us dead and our souls for all eternity; and he will try anything to get them; even those horse dung sayings by these not so smart, high paid college professors or catechism teachers.
If you think you are smart; because you have all the degrees; think again; "you do not know anything." Fr. John Corapi.
All the professors and Catechism teachers who think like that, plus bishops, priests and deacons and cardinals; should be removed and exiled to a monastery in solitude begging God for forgiveness for leading God's children astray. We have books and teachings by Augustine, Aquinas, all the Church Fathers who are saints and Doctors of the Church, and all the saints; and we put those new thinkers into class rooms?
No, we need teachers who truly believe in their heart and soul that Jesus is truly and physically present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Why do you think Pope Benedict asked all priests and seminarians to return to the Great Books of whom I have mentioned? As he put it as a Cardinal, "to remove the filth from the priesthood and seminary." Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger; Pope Benedict XVI.
We need teachers who will teach the faith from the Church Fathers and Doctors of the Church; without changing anything. If you are teaching Aquinas, teach it and make it is like he is teaching once again; because he was a professor. Whoever you are teaching on the subject; if it's Augustine, make it sound like him; do not water it down.
The Holy Eucharist is the same flesh that entered Mary's womb, who was baptized, scourged, nailed to the cross and rose and ascended. How can you change Jesus? He has always been the same; now He is totally transfigured as He was for a moment on Mount Tabor.
He is our food and drink; that nourishes the soul but also helps us to be like Him in our days doing His Will and work; because we become His hands and feet; we reach out to those who do not know Jesus or have forgotten about Him and so we reach out to every one.
When the priest in Persona Christi; puts his hands over the gifts and make the Sign of the Cross over them; Jesus speaks through the priest and the Holy Spirit comes down and transform the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Priests in the prison camps in World War II in Germany and Poland, lived through it and one thing got them through it; they could get enough wine and bread to say Mass each day or night; so the Real Presence of Jesus; Jesus helped those priests and people around them make it out of those prisons. That is how special and wonderful the True Presence of Jesus is.
Jesus is truly present always in the tabernacle and wanting us to be with Him. This is why we are to be slient entering and exiting the church; especially after and before Mass; to show respect to Jesus but also not disturb those who are praying.
Do not forget it; with Jesus we can do all things. Without Him; we can do nothing.
God Bless
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Given by His Holiness St. Pius X September 1, 1910.
To be sworn to by all clergy, pastors, confessors, preachers, religious superiors, and professors in philosophical-theological seminaries.
"I (Andrew) firmly embrace and accept each and every definition that has been set forth and declared by the unerring teaching authority of the Church, especially those principal truths which are directly opposed to the errors of this day. And first of all, I profess that God, the origin and end of all things, can be known with certainty by the natural light of reason from the created world (see Rom. 1:90), that is, from the visible works of creation, as a cause from its effects, and that, therefore, his existence can also be demonstrated:
Secondly, I (Andrew) accept and acknowledge the external proofs of revelation, that is, divine acts and especially miracles and prophecies as the surest signs of the divine origin of the Christian religion and I hold that these same proofs are well adapted to the understanding of all eras and all men, even of this time.
Thirdly, I (Andrew) believe with equally firm faith that the Church, the guardian and teacher of the revealed word, was personally instituted by the real and historical Christ when he lived among us, and that the Church was built upon Peter, the prince of the apostolic hierarchy, and his successors for the duration of time.
Fourthly, I (Andrew) sincerely hold that the doctrine of faith was handed down to us from the apostles through the orthodox Fathers in exactly the same meaning and always in the same purport. Therefore, I entirely reject the heretical' misrepresentation that dogmas evolve and change from one meaning to another different from the one which the Church held previously. I also condemn every error according to which, in place of the divine deposit which has been given to the spouse of Christ to be carefully guarded by her, there is put a philosophical figment or product of a human conscience that has gradually been developed by human effort and will continue to develop indefinitely.
Fifthly, I (Andrew) hold with certainty and sincerely confess that faith is not a blind sentiment of religion welling up from the depths of the subconscious under the impulse of the heart and the motion of a will trained to morality; but faith is a genuine assent of the intellect to truth received by hearing from an external source. By this assent, because of the authority of the supremely truthful God, we believe to be true that which has been revealed and attested to by a personal God, our creator and lord.
Furthermore, with due reverence, I (Andrew) submit and adhere with my whole heart to the condemnations, declarations, and all the prescripts contained in the encyclical Pascendi and in the decree Lamentabili, especially those concerning what is known as the history of dogmas. I also reject the error of those who say that the faith held by the Church can contradict history, and that Catholic dogmas, in the sense in which they are now understood, are irreconcilable with a more realistic view of the origins of the Christian religion.
I (Andrew) also condemn and reject the opinion of those who say that a well-educated Christian assumes a dual personality-that of a believer and at the same time of a historian, as if it were permissible for a historian to hold things that contradict the faith of the believer, or to establish premises which, provided there be no direct denial of dogmas, would lead to the conclusion that dogmas are either false or doubtful. Likewise,
I (Andrew) reject that method of judging and interpreting Sacred Scripture which, departing from the tradition of the Church, the analogy of faith, and the norms of the Apostolic See, embraces the misrepresentations of the rationalists and with no prudence or restraint adopts textual criticism as the one and supreme norm.
Furthermore, I (Andrew) reject the opinion of those who hold that a professor lecturing or writing on a historico-theological subject should first put aside any preconceived opinion about the supernatural origin of Catholic tradition or about the divine promise of help to preserve all revealed truth forever; and that they should then interpret the writings of each of the Fathers solely by scientific principles, excluding all sacred authority, and with the same liberty of judgment that is common in the investigation of all ordinary historical documents.
Finally, I (Andrew) declare that I am completely opposed to the error of the modernists who hold that there is nothing divine in sacred tradition; or what is far worse, say that there is, but in a pantheistic sense, with the result that there would remain nothing but this plain simple fact-one to be put on a par with the ordinary facts of history-the fact, namely, that a group of men by their own labor, skill, and talent have continued through subsequent ages a school begun by Christ and his apostles. I firmly hold, then, and shall hold to my dying breath the belief of the Fathers in the charism of truth, which certainly is, was, and always will be in the succession of the episcopacy from the apostles.
The purpose of this is, then, not that dogma may be tailored according to what seems better and more suited to the culture of each age; rather, that the absolute and immutable truth preached by the apostles from the beginning may never be believed to be different, may never be understood in any other way.
I (Andrew) promise that I shall keep all these articles faithfully, entirely, and sincerely, and guard them inviolate, in no way deviating from them in teaching or in any way in word or in writing. Thus I promise, this I swear, so help me God. . ."
This oath is important to me; yes for what it says and what we must do; but also 78 years later; 1988 on the same day.
De Reali Christi Praesentia
The Protestants who say Jesus was speaking symbolic in John Chapter Six. But, what they forget is that in the original lanuage Jesus was speaking; it was very gory; by telling the people to "eat" or "knaw" on His flesh and also to "drink" His blood. In the Old Testatment it was forbidden to drink the blood of the sacrifice victim; the animals.
In the Old Testatment God gave this rule on the law section of the tablets; but in the New Testatment; where Jesus says, "I have not come to abolish the Law but to full fill it." That means He is God; because God starts something and then He full fills it; which we as humans can not do. We have a beginning and a end; He has neither. He is the true Sacrifice; the Heavenly Sacrifice that can forgive sins. That is why we can eat His flesh and drink His blood; because it is not earthly flesh or earthly blood; but Divine Origin and God is Divine.
Let us continue on this area and I hope someone will stop me and correct me; if this isn't right. God can full fill not us; but through God we can do all things. We can't have a good thought by ourself but with God; we can have that good thought.
The Eucharist and Precious Blood; is not earthly flesh or earthly blood. It is the flesh and blood of God; God works through the priest; who offers bread and wine; God transform that bread into His body and that wine; into His blood. The appearance and taste is the same; but the substance that makes it bread and wine is no longer there; it is transformed literally into the flesh and blood of God Himself.
To be able to drink the Precious blood; it is hidden under the appearance of wine; but the substance which makes the object or matter; is changed; it's totally made new and changed into something different. It looks like wine when you look at; the smell and taste is the same; unless Jesus has something else in mind; where everything is changed, the smell, look, taste, substance. But that is something special and not normal; it doesn't happen every day; but actually it is; if we truly have faith and believe in the True Presence.
We must believe in the True Presence to be a Catholic and it is what kept the Early Church to have so many saints and martyrs; the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. If we believe in the True Presence in the Eucharist and Holy Chalice; why do we receive Him without going to Confession? We would be oh so very careful on how we received Our good God and to make sure our soul is clean from sin.
Oh, what beauty and loveliness and mystery is the Holy Eucharist; when we see Our good God enter our mouth or if you make a throne with your hands to receive Him; imagine seeing with your physical eyes the Sacred wounds and Him risen and entering into you and giving you strength again to be able to do His Work and Will in your life. The host dissolves in fifteen minutes; but He lasts for ever. His flesh becomes yours and His blood then becomes your blood as well. He and you become One.
This is why we must be so careful how we handle Him and receive Him.
God Bless
Friday, November 12, 2010
On habens cor Dei
What does it mean, "On Having a Heart for God?" One to have a heart for God; is one who strives to do what God commands. One who does His commands; will be attacked and who strives to do His commands; will have everything including the kitchen sink thrown at the person to keep them from becoming holy; perfect; sharing in the Divine Life of God.
What does it mean to have a heart longing for God?
To have a heart longing for God; means the person is longing for Truth and Love. Which the person can not find in the world; only person they can find it in is God. People today and I even tried to find truth and love in the world; it can't be done.
Only God has the what we long for; nothing in the world; except adoration and receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion. People try and find truth and love in different things; which is very dangerous; because it usually leads them into the Occult or using drugs and then it also leads them into thinking sex is love.
God is Love; and that means God is truth. Our soul longs for each one; which means our soul; part of it is our heart; longs to rest in God. St. Augustine said it best, "Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee." Which is so true. To have a heart longing for God; means our hearts are so restless; because we search in the world to find God; some who have been taught and kept being led; are in good hands; because they will come to know God through their faith as Catholic.
But those who are not taught or have no one lead them in the way of God; they are the ones we must watch and help bring them to Jesus Christ; the Christ that St. Paul taught; not the false christ. We are our brother's or sister's keeper; we keep them from hell and bring them to God. They will go after all things trying to find truth and love; which will hurt their bodies and their souls; most will run after certain Occults; as St. Augustine did growing up and living sinful life; living in cohabitation; living with another person of the opposite sex; female and if it's a female living with a male. This is not love and this will not find truth.
To find truth and love; one must turn to God. To turn to God; means we must turn to prayer; if you do not believe in God as Fr. Benedict Groschel said in a story, "address it; to whom it may concern." And, those people prayed and believed; became Catholics. You, too, can do the same if you do not believe in God; because you must pray to come to know God. To have a heart for God; one must talk to God and learn what He wants; not what you want.
Start out by prayer and ask Him to speak to you in your heart; but to hear Him; you must learn to love Silence; because God doesn't speak in noise or flashy things; but in silence. He speaks to you through Holy Scripture. The person who has a heart for God; lives Holy Scripture as Pope Benedict wants us to do; with all these different medias; without being attached to them. To live Scripture, means we are to share and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all parts of the world once again; because the world has gotten rid of God and became interested on self and not on God.
The person is not God and yet the world turns people into different gods. God is God; we are His servants and children. One who has a heart for God; is living a life of the Virtues; which transform their heart into God's own heart. Their own heart is no longer their own but has become transformed into God's own heart by living Holy Scripture in everything they do and living prayer life and living the Virtues.
This is what it is meant by having a heart for God; where the heart becomes God's own heart. Our heart is made by God and is filled; because the heart is part of the soul; when the person is baptized and God comes to rest in you. At Confirmation is the first laying of hands on the men; if they are called to the priesthood or become deacons; with Confirmation; more of the life of God enters into us; but with a increase of prayer and Sacramental Life; we grow in the life of God; where it is how we start to transform our heart to heart for God; as David's heart was. Yes, he did all the awful sins and through God and His prophet Nathan, David repented.
We will fall, because we have fallen nature; from the first parents; Adam and Eve. In our life we have someone who is like Nathan; telling us we must go to Confession or even our soul is yelling at us to get to Confession; which means God is speaking or our Guardian Angel; to have a heart of God; means we must die to self; and let God increase and take over our life. We must stay away from all things sinful and increase in the virtues and works of mercy; bodily and spiritual works.
The saints who literally went out and preached to all nations and shed their blood; how could this be? If their heart wasn't transformed into God's heart; they couldn't of done this. We must transform our heart into God's own heart; so we can go out; as we are called to do from Confirmation; and transform the world back into a Christian Nation and world once again. How could St. Francis go and preach to the head of the Muslims? Also, nearly convert him to become Catholic? Because his own heart was God's own heart. We have two good examples of this; two hearts that have not corrupted over time: St. Jean Marie Vianney and St. Teresa of Avila. Those two hearts are literally God's own heart. That is how transformed their hearts were; as is my little sister in the Carmelite order; The Little Flower.
Finally, with this and I hope I wrote well on God and how to have a Heart for God.
God Bless
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Bóg jest Miłością
To say God is Love is true but to think it is love how the world thinks of it; that would be wrong. Homo-sexual acts are not love, cheating spouses is not love, co-habitation;people who are not married living together; is not love. Saying you want to undo what happened to your daughter or sister if she was raped; a.k.a; abort the child; that is not love but selfishness. Killing is not love, rape is not love; two wrongs do not make a right but a wrong.
No, God is Love. God is Love which means He loves life. He loves traditional marriage; which there is no other; homo-sexual unions are not marriages.
I wanted to touch on the simple stuff first; the basics; now I will go into the hard stuff.
God is Love; what does that mean?
Let us look at the beginning, where He created everything out of nothing. God is God and He didn't need to make us so He would feel more complete; but He wanted to; because God loves us and wants us to share in His life in Heaven.
From all eternity God is and will be. There is not a different God for the Old and New; they are the same God. You would be grumpy too if no one listened to you and followed your commands. He was grumpy; because the people didn't have any trust in Him and those that did; made it into the Promise Land; which is now Israel.
Let us back up to the creation of Man and use something from Blessed Don Scotus. God's love truly showed here; when Man and Woman was made and joined in marriage. Also when God promised salvation from the fall of Adam and Eve. In the days of Blessed Don Scotus and now; there is something they called Presumption Theology or What if Theology. They did the what if; Adam and Eve never sinned; would God ever send His Son into the world to redeem it?
Most answers were, "I don't know, maybe, no; but the Franciscan; Blessed Don Scotus said yes, "yes, because Man is in need of saving. He can not save himself." So, God would of had to send His Son anyway to redeem Man.
God's truest form that He is Love; is by sending us His Only Beloved Son to found this Church, the Sacraments and everything of the Church. But His most true form of His love; is giving of Himself freely on the Cross; to pay our ransom and free us from the devil.
Why would God need to do this?
God is all knowing and powerful and so, why do all of this? Why create earth and Heaven, the animals, people, the angels, everything? Then humble Himself and take on flesh and die on the cross for all of man-kind? This is my opinion and I may be wrong and if I am; correct me please; God created everything; not because He needed it but because He isn't selfish and wants us to be with Him for all eternity and that is why He created everything that He did; so He can be with us and we can come to know Him.
God is love and that means He is all Truth; but loving isn't "seeking self interest or inflated, proud, love doesn't rejoice over wrong doing but over truthfullness." St. Paul's first letter to Corinthians Chapter 13. God is love; which means He can't seek self interest; because the third person of the Holy Trinity help St. Paul write and so this means we know something about love from God's point of view. God is love which means he can't become prideful; the pride that is a sin; not the good pride; which means He was going to do this from the start and He did; because He loves us so much and wants us to experience this love and only way to do that; is to be in Heaven.
To be in Heaven; means and goes back to Creation and to the fall; even if there wasn't a fall then; there would be and no matter what; God would become Man and redeem Man; and we know what happened to redeem us and we mustn't forget it; no matter how hard the enemy wants us to forget it. If it means we wear a Crucifix to remind us or have one in our pocket; as St. Dominic Savio; a student of St. Don Bosco did and many other saints. To understand or get a understanding is a better term for it; is to look at the Crucifix and learn the true message of Love and how much God loves each one of us personally.
God bless
W Najświętszej Eucharystii
In the Protestant thinking; well most it; the Most Holy Eucharist is just a symbol. But, they know Holy Scripture and I'm sure one time they read the Gospel of John; does Jesus say it is a symbol and goes after the people? No, because they understood what He was saying. Starting off He used the greek word for eat; after that it was knaw and chew; why use those verbs if it was a symbol? It doesn't make sense; because, it is not a symbol. He said, "eat my flesh and drink my blood because my flesh is true food indeed and my blood is true drink indeed. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood have eternal life within him and I shall raise him up on the last day."
Most of the time when they say it is a symbol; it is out of ignorance and hatred; because they were not taught the faith and also they feel jealous and envy; because they have studied their Catholic faith outside the Church and can't believe what they have left; Jesus Himself; to find Him in a Church that is made by man; a protestant church.
They are angered that they never knew that and complaining to the Catholics, "Why didn't you teach me this? I would of stayed in the True Church." Then the Catholics would reply, "Why didn't you ask for us to teach you and help you know your faith better?"
Yes, the ex-Catholics who left the Church for that reason and when they find out on their own; never think you can't come back. If you think you can't come back; that is the devil saying that to you. You can come back to the Sacrament of Confession and get all cleaned up and then when you receive the Most Holy Eucharist after all that learning; your eyes will be open and full of joy and happiness.
The Eucharist is our true joy and happiness: because the Eucharist is God. God is our true joy and happiness. Earthly things bring earthly joys and Heavenly things; bring true joys that the human person truly desires.
To have and experience these joys that will continue and never die out after a while; go to Confession and make a good Confession; plus change your life; convert your life from sinful to where you aren't in that certain life style or place; so you don't have to be where sin is; but you will be tempted; temptations are not sins. But, if you go every five days or a week or two weeks to Confession; you will be protecting your soul greatly but the temptations will become stronger and harder to fight off; trust me; I go every five days up to two weeks; the temptations of impurity come hard at you and if you can't stand your ground; you will fall and I have fallen but I've got back up and went back to Confession; most of the time in tears.
After Confession is Sunday Mass; when I receive Jesus with a clean soul; my tears and your tears will be dried up or turn into tears of joy. Be like the greatful leper; go back and thank Him by staying after Mass and pray; spend time with Him.
He wants us to thank Him and not be like the other nine lepers who ran off to the temple without coming back and thanking Him and worshiping Him. God healed your soul and fed it with His body and blood; your soul should be dancing when you do this; because your newly cleansed soul is longing for food and you give it the best food; The Most Holy Eucharist; the body and blood of Jesus Christ; Our Lord and God.
We must remember; earthly joys last for short moments; Heavenly joys; which comes from duel Sacraments; Confession first and then eating and drinking the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
God bless
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
On The Most Holy Eucharist
People go up and receive Our Lord without checking our conscience to see if we have mortal sin on our soul. People might say; "oh, what is a mortal sin?" I will tell you with a link; because it's very long. Go here and learn what a mortal sin is:
We must introduce to the faithful what is a mortal sin; so they relearn what the world has taken away from them or reeducated where you do not think mortal sins are not important to worry about. In certain parts of Asia; this has happened; where people have become two faced: One they look like a faithful Catholic; go to Confession and receive Our Lord; but when they get home; near the holy cards and statues is nude women or men or both having sexual intercourse and they call that art; which in it's reality; it is porn.
I friended a woman; who was just that. She tricked me up good and played me like a fool; but now I am glad it is over. To receive Our Lord in The Most Holy Eucharist; one must be living their faith and living a good moral life. They go to Confession regularly or if you can; go before Mass; which is what I do; every week or two weeks.
We must be in a state of grace in our soul but also in our life; to be able to receive the fullness of His graces from eating and drinking His Most Sacred Body and Blood; if it enters into a "spiritually dead" soul; it has no life. We must be "spiritually alive" so His graces will truly be affective in our life and soul; so our soul maybe strengthened against temptations or spiritual attacks.
I love both: East and West Divine Liturgy or the Mass. In the Byzantine Rite; there isn't much difference with the Liturgy from the Orthodox Liturgy; only difference; maybe a picture of the Pope in the church. Because the Orthodox and Catholic; have vaild everything; right now we have one lung and I pray and it looks like those days of being divided are slowly coming to a end; with our Holy Father and the new Patriarch; where Andrew and Peter; come together for good after a long family fued.
If this sounds both East and West; well; I am named after the Holy Apostle Andrew; which the East loves very much; his brother and I guess I could say; my spiritual brother; took care of the western part; but tradition has it that Andrew did go over to Scotland; because their flag is the shape of his cross;X. I learned Andrew preached and spread the Gospel through Germany and Poland; plus all of Russia and up around Turkey and Scotland; if this sounds very Eastern European; you might know why. Just giving a warning for my readers.
On The Most Holy Eucharist: it is not a thing but a some one; He is our master and God; His name is Jesus Christ. To receive Him unworthily; with mortal sin on our soul and not going to Confession or we go but sin afterward; it is like Judas betraying Him with a kiss once again. It is a slap and laugh in His face saying that you or someone else is more important than God or denying His true presence.
To deny His true presence is to deny your faith. When you deny your faith; you literally turn your back on Him. You have read in Holy Scripture, "He who denies you; denies me, he who denies Me, denies the One who sent Me." So, if you deny the faith; you deny the Apostles and Him; plus the Father.
Our Sacred Lord Jesus Christ; is so precious and only those who are cleansed of all sin can receive Him in the Sacrament form. There are many ways of disrespecting Jesus; being loud when we are to be silent and reverent; when you are given a private audience with the Pope; you are not loud; but dead silent. Jesus is God; imagine how reverent we are to be for Him.
Then there are those who pull out their cell phone and text, play games, turn it off when the volume is up full blast, hide Him in the side of their mouth to take back for the black mass; to stab or whatever they do; dress immodest; short skirts, tops with no sleeves, tops that cover the shoulder and not the arms, tops that show back and a bit of the chest, tank tops, sports bras and nothing else, any clothing that is in fashion today; is pretty much immodest.
At the Latin Mass in Omaha; I saw skirts grandmas used to wear that are very nice looking and modest; but the people in the world would say that it is too old and not hip; boys in flip flops, ear rings, nose rings, tatoos, t-shirts with sayings on them, sports uniforms, halloween clothing, certain types of jeans and shirts; that is why I dress in my best clothing; because I am going to go see the King and receive Him. Black paints, black dress socks, black dress shoes; a button up dress shirt; it's black with different color stripes on it; saw it being worn on the tv show White Collar; by the character "Neal" and I've been wearing that almost every Sunday; because we should want to be respectable to the King of kings.
We should want to wear the best for Jesus; but not become too focused on what it cost; but that you and I are covered and showing respect to Him. No family should be incharge of the parish; especially if it's about money; it's not about who give what they have left over; but it is about those who give what they have: the old lady in Scripture at the Holy Temple is a great example.
Fr. Corapi; his grandmother he said, "oh she was a great theologian; with a 8th grade education; better theologians than the expert theologians; that old lady at the Temple; I bet she was a great Theologian; better than the high priests of the temple. There are priests and layity who don't have a clue about their faith and when they don't have a clue about the faith; they don't know about Jesus in the Eucharist and treat it as bread and wine.
The priests who spend eight or more years in college and seminary; to learn their faith better; but if they think Jesus is bread and wine; they are in the wrong Church; because it is not bread and wine; but the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist and in the chalice.
We must take and use the most utmost respect and reverence when handling Our Lord or how we treat Him when we enter, what we do inside and how we exit. The Most Holy Eucharist is something very Sacred; something very special; when St. John in the Gospel wrote after the discourse where the devil entered Judas; this is where the problem of not showing reverence to Jesus and disobeying Him.
We must remove the Judas' or teach them and make them change their way; so they won't be called Judas anymore. The Eucharist is the: body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ; the Eucharist is Jesus Christ. We must protect Him and not take Him forgranted.
God bless