In the year of Our Lord 2010, Advent comes tomorrow to prepare us for the first coming but also the second coming of Christ once again. This reflection, I hope, will not be like all the other reflections; but something that touches you and your soul.
The promise of One who is to come starts after the fall of the human race; when Adam and Eve sinned against God. That is when we know Jesus will come; but it starts way before this; at the moment when God wanted to create the Heavens and the earth and all the planets and every living thing.
Blessed Don Scotus, was with a group of people who started to do the, "what if" idea and question. "What if Adam and Eve never sinned, would redemption ever happen?" Blessed Don Scotus said, "yes, it would happen, because, Man can not save himself and so God would of had to send Himself from Heaven and become Man and redeem Man."
While we wait and prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ; we also must prepare for the return of Jesus Christ to judge the living and the dead.
To prepare for His coming once but also the second time; it should be full of penance and sacrifice; making our soul ready to enter Heaven and stand face to face with God. When He comes back for the final time, there will be no more cleaners for the soul; Purgatory; just Heaven and Hell. Your either in or you are not; at the end of time; which is what the start of Advent prepares us for. When it comes closer to Christmas; then things become more in line with the first coming; the birth of Jesus Christ.
In the books by St. Ambrose bishop of Milan Italy; they are on On The Duties of the Clergy
They are for everyone I think; I've only read two chapters and the 8th paragraph speaks true on how we will be judged at the end on every little detail; even how we speak. In the first two chapters have been on silence and hearing or listening to God speak; rather than we speak and God listen all the time.
It does seem like everyone does not know how to reflect in silence. Holy Silence is a gift given by God; to those who are more silent than others; who are more talkative. He; St. bishop Ambrose; one who is the silent type; can contemplate and reflect better than those who are not silent; when you are silent; you can reflect on the questions being asked and be able to break them apart and answer them more completely. When you are a silent person, you know when to speak and when not to speak; and when you do speak; it will be of the greatest words ever; because you are listening to God and speaking what He tells you to speak.
St. Ambrose once again says in his first book, "Now we ought to learn before everything else, but to be silent, that we may be able to speak?" "lest my voice should condemn me, before that another aquit me; for it is: "By thy words thou shalt be condemned."
"What need is there, then, that thou shouldest hasten to undergo the danger of condemnation by speaking, when thou cans, be safe by keeping silent? How many have I seen to fall into sin by speaking, but scarcely one by keeping silent; and so it is more difficult to know how keep silent than how to speak."
"One speaks because they do not know how to keep silent. It is seldom that one is silent even when speaking profits him nothing. He is wise, then, who knows how to keep silent. Lastly, Wisdom of God said, "The Lord hath given me the tongue of learning, that I should know when it is good to speak." "Justly, then, is he wise who has received of the Lord to know when he ought to speak. Wherefore the Scripture says well: "A wise man will keep silence until there is opportunity."
Final from St. Ambrose, "Therefore the saints of the Lord loved to keep silence, because they knew that a man's voice is often the utterance of sin, and a man's speech is the beginning of human error."
So, how many loves the silence and how many spend time in the silence? We don't tell ourself what to do; but God does and God also tells us what to tell others who work with us or hanging out with us; if we pay attention to the voice of God.
When we speak; most of the time we utter sinful speech. If we do not know what it is we are saying or if it will be hurtful; means we aren't reflecting or thinking before we speak. What happens when we speak; we do not know what we speak; but if we spend time in reflection and asking God to give us the words to speak; then we may speak; because it will not be of our own words but the words of God; giving a testatment to Him and teaching, also enlightening those around us in the things of God.
When Eve spoke; that was too late because she did not listen to God tell her or Adam; not to accept the fruit from that one tree which was forbidden to touch or to eat of. When Eve accepted the fruit and ate of it and then told Adam to eat and he accepted; the first time Man spoke but brought about human error. When Man speaks as Man; he will speak error; but if Man speaks of God; with the Words of God; then the man will speak correctly.
We must be careful how we speak, every time I type; I take a few moments to reflect on what to say; because if we speak as man; we utter sin but if we speak as Peter did when he proclaimed Jesus the Son of God; speaking with the Words given by Our Heavenly Father; then we may speak.
People today speak too much and too often; not enough time in reflection and listening to God speaking to us. If we want to become a saint, we must be lovers of true silence in the Presence of God and listen to Him speak to us and speak what He tells us to speak. Because if we do not; every word could and will condemn us or condemn each other; as St. Ambrose says in the latter words I have shared from him in this reflection.
Our world is too noisy; never being in reflection but always speaking; because they do not know how to be silent. Or, afraid of being silent; because of what they may hear; they may learn about their soul; which will scare each one. It may be the bad scare or a good scare; a good scare is where the Fear of God is put into their life and soul.
To be a reflection of the Crucified and Risen God; we must spend time in silence in Eucharistic Adoration; which is being in His True Presence; God in our midst.
More people would be in fear and trembling; when they entered their local parish church; if each time the Eucharistic specie of looking like bread wasn't there; and they would fall to their knees weeping and asking for mercy; which He would give. What a beautiful sight that will be and is; if you do the Ignatian Spirituality; using your imagination to imagine when you see the Eucharist exposed; you don't see bread but you see the glorified Jesus Christ or even the bloodied Jesus Christ on the cross.
We do need to be very careful when we speak; because you never know when it may return to condemn you at your judgment.
God bless
Chwała Jezusa Chrystusa
Praise Be Jesus Christ
Saturday, November 27, 2010
What Has Changed?
In The Year of Our Lord 2010
What has changed in America? Something has changed and I'm not sure for the worse or the better. I've just finished watching all of the movie Gettysburg; both sides; North and South. Most of them, good God fearing men.
God fearing men; both defending their home lands and proud of their country and family who fought to create America and proud of the military. Yes, some fought to keep slavery; which is wrong.
The government has become something George Washington didn't want; big government were it controls the people; he wanted the people to control the government. We have people in office I'm ashamed to call Americans; who do not want us to fight in wars that have great cause to protect our lands.
GeorgeWashington didn't want four or five different parties of governement; but two. If the people in government will not read and follow to the letter what the founding fathers said to do; I say they must be removed and all government officals who are too worried about money and power should be banned from running ever again.
We don't care about your name; we care about this name: The United States of America. As the coach of the U.S. hockey team in 1980; "the name on the front is more important than the name on the back."
Our country can not run without God; if we leave out God; our country will fail and is failing. If you don't want God in your country; then move some where that is set up for you. But if you want freedom of religion and to practice your religion; where the government can't create a religion or boss religions around; that is America.
Tomorrow is the start of the Advent season; a time of preparing for the birth of Jesus Christ our saviour and God. Don't go with the trend and buy immodest clothing; but buy religious books and movies and music to give for Christmas. Keep and put God back in His rightful place in America once again.
I think it is foolish for the Protestant brothers and sisters not to have their church services on Sunday; they miss the point of why church service is on Sunday; because the Lord Jesus Christ was risen on Easter Sunday; which made Sunday the Lord's Day. It started the day before in the Jewish Tradition and then moved when God Himself rose on Sunday from the Dead.
In our blessed country; we have people trying their hardest to remove God from everything and using His Holy Name to curse with; which isn't right. Then trying to replace Our Holy and One True God with false gods; as of old once again and mostly the same old false gods/idols we see in the Old Testatment that were used by the Greeks and other nations. The new idols/false gods are cars, computers, internet, anything with technology; the other false gods/idols are very old and ancient.
It still hasn't been that long ago; when the first Americans were thinking up this Blessed Country of ours; 300 or so years ago; maybe not even that. Look at it now; does it look the same as it did back then? Where we could great everyone in name of God and send them on their way with a blessing? In the cities on the east coast; a few places I bet you could; but other places would have the person thrown in jail for it.
We are loosing our Christian idenity; because the Gospel isn't being lived out or spread any more; as Pope Benedict XVI says about our area and that is why we have so many disobedient priests and bishops and lay people not following or listening to Our Holy Father; Pope Benedict XVI.
Our Patronness; Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception; pray for us and bring the country back into your Son's control once again. So we maybe faithful to your Son and preach His Holy Name and not defile it with curse words. So we maybe faithful to your Son's faithful servant the sucessor of St. Peter and Your Vicar on earth; Pope Benedict XVI; so the Gospel will once again be preached and spread through this Blessed Country once again. Amen.
God bless
What has changed in America? Something has changed and I'm not sure for the worse or the better. I've just finished watching all of the movie Gettysburg; both sides; North and South. Most of them, good God fearing men.
God fearing men; both defending their home lands and proud of their country and family who fought to create America and proud of the military. Yes, some fought to keep slavery; which is wrong.
The government has become something George Washington didn't want; big government were it controls the people; he wanted the people to control the government. We have people in office I'm ashamed to call Americans; who do not want us to fight in wars that have great cause to protect our lands.
GeorgeWashington didn't want four or five different parties of governement; but two. If the people in government will not read and follow to the letter what the founding fathers said to do; I say they must be removed and all government officals who are too worried about money and power should be banned from running ever again.
We don't care about your name; we care about this name: The United States of America. As the coach of the U.S. hockey team in 1980; "the name on the front is more important than the name on the back."
Our country can not run without God; if we leave out God; our country will fail and is failing. If you don't want God in your country; then move some where that is set up for you. But if you want freedom of religion and to practice your religion; where the government can't create a religion or boss religions around; that is America.
Tomorrow is the start of the Advent season; a time of preparing for the birth of Jesus Christ our saviour and God. Don't go with the trend and buy immodest clothing; but buy religious books and movies and music to give for Christmas. Keep and put God back in His rightful place in America once again.
I think it is foolish for the Protestant brothers and sisters not to have their church services on Sunday; they miss the point of why church service is on Sunday; because the Lord Jesus Christ was risen on Easter Sunday; which made Sunday the Lord's Day. It started the day before in the Jewish Tradition and then moved when God Himself rose on Sunday from the Dead.
In our blessed country; we have people trying their hardest to remove God from everything and using His Holy Name to curse with; which isn't right. Then trying to replace Our Holy and One True God with false gods; as of old once again and mostly the same old false gods/idols we see in the Old Testatment that were used by the Greeks and other nations. The new idols/false gods are cars, computers, internet, anything with technology; the other false gods/idols are very old and ancient.
It still hasn't been that long ago; when the first Americans were thinking up this Blessed Country of ours; 300 or so years ago; maybe not even that. Look at it now; does it look the same as it did back then? Where we could great everyone in name of God and send them on their way with a blessing? In the cities on the east coast; a few places I bet you could; but other places would have the person thrown in jail for it.
We are loosing our Christian idenity; because the Gospel isn't being lived out or spread any more; as Pope Benedict XVI says about our area and that is why we have so many disobedient priests and bishops and lay people not following or listening to Our Holy Father; Pope Benedict XVI.
Our Patronness; Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception; pray for us and bring the country back into your Son's control once again. So we maybe faithful to your Son and preach His Holy Name and not defile it with curse words. So we maybe faithful to your Son's faithful servant the sucessor of St. Peter and Your Vicar on earth; Pope Benedict XVI; so the Gospel will once again be preached and spread through this Blessed Country once again. Amen.
God bless
Thursday, November 25, 2010
On How One Should Dress in the House of God
Pardon my firery talk here; all three of my saints will be coming out; especially St. Jerome.
On the World Over Live; on the brief and it showed a picture of a wedding; where the brides maids have bare backs.
No one should have flesh; back or chest, under arm, or anything that will cause temptation. If you want to be married in the Church; which you are to be; if you both are Catholic; East or West; you must tell every single guest and bride maid and best men; that they are to dress in the most modest manner.
When you want to enter St. Peter's Basilica; the guards will keep you out; if your shoulders, back or chest isn't covered. Which is the dress code for all the churches in the Holy Catholic Church. Just that the guards are in St. Peters to protect the Pope and all historic pieces inside the Vatican. When you enter the Vatican; you are walking on Holy Ground; the place of the death of St. Peter himself.
When you step on your parish church's ground; that is holy ground also; because where the priest kisses the altar; their should be relics of that saint and most of all; Jesus Himself who is truly present in the altar.
No priest should allow people with earings, nose rings, eye rings, tongue rings inside; because it goes against Scripture: Leviticus 19:28: "Do not lacerate your bodies for the dead, and do not tattoo yourselves. I am the LORD."
The House of God must never be defiled. One must be covered in respectful clothes; because we are not entering some house or some building; but that place of worship has been set aside, consecrated to God and once it's consecrated to God; it is like the sacred dishes used at Mass.
We have forgotten that and we must never forget. If you are planning a wedding; remember the priest and bishop is incharge; you must run things by them. Chests, butts, backs, God only knows what else; must not be seen or shown in the House of God!
No more hurting Our Lord Jesus Christ; be ready for the good orthodox Catholic priests coming from seminary; they will get in your face and challenge you; as they should; as the Church Fathers did. If you don't like it; tough; then get out! No more accepting things that may cause temptation or sin in the Church; a tough dress code should be enforced and the ushers at the local parishes; must be like the guards at St. Peters; stopping people in their tracks and making sure the parts of the body that cause temptation is covered.
I don't care if my bishop won't like it; I don't care if he punishes me for standing up for Jesus; I'm glad I challeged him to stand up for Jesus; to protect Him in the Eucharist and the Book of the Holy Gospels. I want bishops to be like St. Ambrose; who chases the heretics out of the church with his staff in hand.
I mean literally chase them out; there is a term I like; "tough love." You tell them the truth; because you love them; which will contradict their miss guided understanding and or it will correct their immoral life style. Be like the Church Fathers; be like the Holy Bishops who speak the fire of the Holy Spirit; where it stirs deep in the person's soul and totally challenges them and changes them right there in the pew at Mass or other Liturgies.
When people hear it; they weep of repentance and then go to Confession right away. Priests must speak with the Fire of the Holy Spirit; which burns away the darkness in our souls; which is how the Church Fathers spoke; but their faith was greater and yes they were tempted; but their faith was greater than it is today with the new priests and bishops of today; only two bishops I truly see this in; is Raymond Cardinal Burke and Pope Benedict XVI and the Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz and Archbishop Charles Chaput.
Every priest must be trained by the Church Fathers; as Pope Benedict has requested them to do; even priests who have been ordained for a while and the men in the seminary. If they follow one of the Church Fathers as the role model; their parish will become well formed and the people will know no messing around goes here and that this priest is serious on saving souls and keeping the heretics out and making sure no one defiles the Holy Ground and no one defiles their own person; which is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and keeps from showing up in immodest dress.
I hope this will help and God bless
On the World Over Live; on the brief and it showed a picture of a wedding; where the brides maids have bare backs.
No one should have flesh; back or chest, under arm, or anything that will cause temptation. If you want to be married in the Church; which you are to be; if you both are Catholic; East or West; you must tell every single guest and bride maid and best men; that they are to dress in the most modest manner.
When you want to enter St. Peter's Basilica; the guards will keep you out; if your shoulders, back or chest isn't covered. Which is the dress code for all the churches in the Holy Catholic Church. Just that the guards are in St. Peters to protect the Pope and all historic pieces inside the Vatican. When you enter the Vatican; you are walking on Holy Ground; the place of the death of St. Peter himself.
When you step on your parish church's ground; that is holy ground also; because where the priest kisses the altar; their should be relics of that saint and most of all; Jesus Himself who is truly present in the altar.
No priest should allow people with earings, nose rings, eye rings, tongue rings inside; because it goes against Scripture: Leviticus 19:28: "Do not lacerate your bodies for the dead, and do not tattoo yourselves. I am the LORD."
The House of God must never be defiled. One must be covered in respectful clothes; because we are not entering some house or some building; but that place of worship has been set aside, consecrated to God and once it's consecrated to God; it is like the sacred dishes used at Mass.
We have forgotten that and we must never forget. If you are planning a wedding; remember the priest and bishop is incharge; you must run things by them. Chests, butts, backs, God only knows what else; must not be seen or shown in the House of God!
No more hurting Our Lord Jesus Christ; be ready for the good orthodox Catholic priests coming from seminary; they will get in your face and challenge you; as they should; as the Church Fathers did. If you don't like it; tough; then get out! No more accepting things that may cause temptation or sin in the Church; a tough dress code should be enforced and the ushers at the local parishes; must be like the guards at St. Peters; stopping people in their tracks and making sure the parts of the body that cause temptation is covered.
I don't care if my bishop won't like it; I don't care if he punishes me for standing up for Jesus; I'm glad I challeged him to stand up for Jesus; to protect Him in the Eucharist and the Book of the Holy Gospels. I want bishops to be like St. Ambrose; who chases the heretics out of the church with his staff in hand.
I mean literally chase them out; there is a term I like; "tough love." You tell them the truth; because you love them; which will contradict their miss guided understanding and or it will correct their immoral life style. Be like the Church Fathers; be like the Holy Bishops who speak the fire of the Holy Spirit; where it stirs deep in the person's soul and totally challenges them and changes them right there in the pew at Mass or other Liturgies.
When people hear it; they weep of repentance and then go to Confession right away. Priests must speak with the Fire of the Holy Spirit; which burns away the darkness in our souls; which is how the Church Fathers spoke; but their faith was greater and yes they were tempted; but their faith was greater than it is today with the new priests and bishops of today; only two bishops I truly see this in; is Raymond Cardinal Burke and Pope Benedict XVI and the Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz and Archbishop Charles Chaput.
Every priest must be trained by the Church Fathers; as Pope Benedict has requested them to do; even priests who have been ordained for a while and the men in the seminary. If they follow one of the Church Fathers as the role model; their parish will become well formed and the people will know no messing around goes here and that this priest is serious on saving souls and keeping the heretics out and making sure no one defiles the Holy Ground and no one defiles their own person; which is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and keeps from showing up in immodest dress.
I hope this will help and God bless
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thanksgiving, what does it mean?
The word thanksgiving means Eucharist and the Eucharist literally means thanksgiving. Today is thanksgiving day; a day one should go to Mass and Adoration on this day; which literally means Eucharist.
Yes we have turkey, potatoes of all kinds, salads, jellos, sauces, gravies, breads, cakes, pies, meats, wines, tea, juice; because it's a big feast in America; because of the pligrims who came from England to the New World; America and came together after long hard winters and hardships with the Native Americans; both come together at peace and sit down for a feast.
We come together with people of other faiths or the same faith; who are not living the faith; but it should be a day of thanksgiving and peace; a day for putting grudges or feuds away and have the Peace of Christ in our hearts and that Peace flows between each person.
To not go to Mass; is like a denial of the Eucharist; because to truly take part of the holiday; one should have the real thanksgiving inside you; the Holy Eucharist.
If one is not able to go to Mass physically by car; then be there by EWTN. Let no one deprive you of this; you need Spiritual Strength in your soul; so you can handle the people who don't want peace at the dinner table; by having Jesus with you.
If you are sick or injured; and unable to go physically; have the true meaning of thanksgiving in your heart; Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. So you can live it and be joyful in your suffering; but also know and come to understand the real meaning of thanksgiving while you maybe home alone; but you are never alone; actually your house might be very full of guests; if you attend Mass by EWTN; all the angels and saints are there at the chapel and in your home; where you are. Plus your guardian angel and patron saints'. Most of all, Jesus is always with you.
Thanksgiving is thanksliving; because the Eucharist is a living divine person; Jesus Christ. He is the purpose of everything and when someone hijacks it; we lose this idea and fundamental teaching and thought on the Eucharist. When someone becomes a false christ and says let us do this and change the meaning of thanksgiving; which makes it neo-paganism; is how Thanksgiving is celebrated; football and over eating and over drinking and un-clean mouths against the Lord's name in vain.
Thanksgiving should be celebrated a very Christian Catholic way; The Eucharist; which means Thanksgiving. Celebrate it the right way; NOT THE PAGAN WAY!
God bless and May God be with you.
The word thanksgiving means Eucharist and the Eucharist literally means thanksgiving. Today is thanksgiving day; a day one should go to Mass and Adoration on this day; which literally means Eucharist.
Yes we have turkey, potatoes of all kinds, salads, jellos, sauces, gravies, breads, cakes, pies, meats, wines, tea, juice; because it's a big feast in America; because of the pligrims who came from England to the New World; America and came together after long hard winters and hardships with the Native Americans; both come together at peace and sit down for a feast.
We come together with people of other faiths or the same faith; who are not living the faith; but it should be a day of thanksgiving and peace; a day for putting grudges or feuds away and have the Peace of Christ in our hearts and that Peace flows between each person.
To not go to Mass; is like a denial of the Eucharist; because to truly take part of the holiday; one should have the real thanksgiving inside you; the Holy Eucharist.
If one is not able to go to Mass physically by car; then be there by EWTN. Let no one deprive you of this; you need Spiritual Strength in your soul; so you can handle the people who don't want peace at the dinner table; by having Jesus with you.
If you are sick or injured; and unable to go physically; have the true meaning of thanksgiving in your heart; Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. So you can live it and be joyful in your suffering; but also know and come to understand the real meaning of thanksgiving while you maybe home alone; but you are never alone; actually your house might be very full of guests; if you attend Mass by EWTN; all the angels and saints are there at the chapel and in your home; where you are. Plus your guardian angel and patron saints'. Most of all, Jesus is always with you.
Thanksgiving is thanksliving; because the Eucharist is a living divine person; Jesus Christ. He is the purpose of everything and when someone hijacks it; we lose this idea and fundamental teaching and thought on the Eucharist. When someone becomes a false christ and says let us do this and change the meaning of thanksgiving; which makes it neo-paganism; is how Thanksgiving is celebrated; football and over eating and over drinking and un-clean mouths against the Lord's name in vain.
Thanksgiving should be celebrated a very Christian Catholic way; The Eucharist; which means Thanksgiving. Celebrate it the right way; NOT THE PAGAN WAY!
God bless and May God be with you.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
On "The Theology of the Body."
"God made Man in His(God)' image and likeness. From the rib God made woman for Man and blessed them and told them to go and multiply and fill the earth with their offspring."
Again, back to what newspaper that leaked the one part in the book that would start a wild fire; The Holy Father's remarks on the condom issues again; but only gave the small paragraph; not the entire statement or page; plus had it translated very poorly from German into Italian and then into English. The Holy Father, I think used what is going on right now in the world; all the homo-sexual activities; sex; which is dangerous and hurts the one doing it and the one receiving it. Both will receive the aids virus; which is a plague and which will kill.
As I started in the past blog post or article; I started to touch on the Theology of the Body.
Sex, is not something to play with; it is not a toy. God created it for one purpose and that one purpose is for the married man and woman in private to become one flesh and create life and fill the earth with their off-spring.
When God created marriage and sex; He created it for the married couple and no one else. When the fall happened; the devil and his demons started to change the world where sex has become a game or something not important and done for the most crazy reasons in the world. Where the husband cheats on his wife or the wife cheats on her husband or singles have one night stands or people who date and have sex; because they think they are in love.
What is love? A great question; but does anyone have a clue what love truly is?

That is love; look at the Spanish Crucifix. Nothing else is needed to say about love. To know and understand God; go to the Crucifix.
As I have said before, Sex is a good but it is our sinfulness and the world transforms it into a evil and into a mortal sin. When the world says, "oh no, it isn't a sin or evil; it's good for anyone and anyone should take part of it." Sound familiar? Those people in the schools making the young children grow up too fast and even the ones in middle school and high school. They government who pushes for contraception into all the world. All the magazines at the grocery store or mall; showing what? sex outside of marriage is ok or cheating is ok; that is all flith. Sex is for the married.
God bless if they bring forth life but shame on their sinful life; we must hate the sin but love the sinner; love their soul. It is like any religion that is hijacked; when Sex is hijacked; people think they can do anything with it; which is what the porn and planned parenthood companies have done and then it went from the top to the bottom to the kids; where they see something and then they try and perform it. Sex has been hijacked; because Sex was never made for evil but for good and to produce life in marriage.
IVF is also planned parenthood; because it's like a contraception; because a contraception is non-natural and Sex is to be natural; between Man and Woman who are married.
Contraceptions are evil and sinful and the Church hasn't changed Her teaching on them; no matter what the media says or what people say. In the Old Testament when one of the men put his seed on the floor; semen; God killed him. Because the man didn't want to produce life; which was one of the first contraceptions.
Sex is between the married man and woman; one man and one woman and no one else in private. Life is a beautiful gift and the marital act brings life into the world and must be respected and not tampered or hijacked.
God bless
Again, back to what newspaper that leaked the one part in the book that would start a wild fire; The Holy Father's remarks on the condom issues again; but only gave the small paragraph; not the entire statement or page; plus had it translated very poorly from German into Italian and then into English. The Holy Father, I think used what is going on right now in the world; all the homo-sexual activities; sex; which is dangerous and hurts the one doing it and the one receiving it. Both will receive the aids virus; which is a plague and which will kill.
As I started in the past blog post or article; I started to touch on the Theology of the Body.
Sex, is not something to play with; it is not a toy. God created it for one purpose and that one purpose is for the married man and woman in private to become one flesh and create life and fill the earth with their off-spring.
When God created marriage and sex; He created it for the married couple and no one else. When the fall happened; the devil and his demons started to change the world where sex has become a game or something not important and done for the most crazy reasons in the world. Where the husband cheats on his wife or the wife cheats on her husband or singles have one night stands or people who date and have sex; because they think they are in love.
What is love? A great question; but does anyone have a clue what love truly is?

That is love; look at the Spanish Crucifix. Nothing else is needed to say about love. To know and understand God; go to the Crucifix.
As I have said before, Sex is a good but it is our sinfulness and the world transforms it into a evil and into a mortal sin. When the world says, "oh no, it isn't a sin or evil; it's good for anyone and anyone should take part of it." Sound familiar? Those people in the schools making the young children grow up too fast and even the ones in middle school and high school. They government who pushes for contraception into all the world. All the magazines at the grocery store or mall; showing what? sex outside of marriage is ok or cheating is ok; that is all flith. Sex is for the married.
God bless if they bring forth life but shame on their sinful life; we must hate the sin but love the sinner; love their soul. It is like any religion that is hijacked; when Sex is hijacked; people think they can do anything with it; which is what the porn and planned parenthood companies have done and then it went from the top to the bottom to the kids; where they see something and then they try and perform it. Sex has been hijacked; because Sex was never made for evil but for good and to produce life in marriage.
IVF is also planned parenthood; because it's like a contraception; because a contraception is non-natural and Sex is to be natural; between Man and Woman who are married.
Contraceptions are evil and sinful and the Church hasn't changed Her teaching on them; no matter what the media says or what people say. In the Old Testament when one of the men put his seed on the floor; semen; God killed him. Because the man didn't want to produce life; which was one of the first contraceptions.
Sex is between the married man and woman; one man and one woman and no one else in private. Life is a beautiful gift and the marital act brings life into the world and must be respected and not tampered or hijacked.
God bless
Ecclesiae Doctrina Non Mutat
Church's Teaching Does Not Change!
What does the Church teach on contraceptions?
All contraceptions are evil and can not be used for good. To be a contraception; must mean it takes life or prevent life; when one uses it for homo-sexual; there is no contraception; because their is no life making. As, the Pope states in the German text and in the badly translated English text; where he starts out talking how a homo-sexual man uses a condom; but the Pope took it a step further; where the man is thinking on not wanting to hurt other people and so they use the condom but then after that; they realize what they are doing is hurting another person and they will stop.
homo-sexual acts are sinful and using any and all contraception is sinful and a immoral evil.
But, what does sex truly mean?
Sex is between one man and one woman; in the Holy Sacrament of Marriage. Where life is created. Sex is to bring life into the world but not prevent life; with marriage as God founded it. The human person is not made for using contraception that prevents life and fill the body with posions; which is deadly but also aids; this virus is also deadly. Both hetero-sexual and homo-sexuals can put this deadly virus into each other's body through sex. When the homo-sexuals have sexual intercourse; there is no life being produce but death.
When the hetero-sexuals who have sex; but without going to the doctors to making sure each other doesn't have this deadly illness. When the married couple is married; they are to produce life; not to kill each other.
Sex is not bad; but Sex is for creating life. When people who are selfish and take sex out of context; they use it for pleasure but also not for life but for sport and relaxation or for fun. Sex is not to be used out of context and out of marriage; but in marriage for one thing and that is to bring forth life on this earth; to fullfill the marriage act; but if one can not have children; then one may adopted or be like G.K Chesterton and his wife; be spiritual parents.
But one can not inject into the female body the stuff to make children; because it is not natural and you become like God and become a god. God is the only one who can do this.
When we think of sex; we should already think of marriage. Because sex is for the married and no one else. If we think sex is for anyone else; then we remove the true meaning of sex and why God created Sex. Sex brings forth life as God commands all who are married; man and woman; to fill the earth with their off-spring. Sex in the marriage act is beautiful; but those who video tape it and share it with others; that makes Sex ugly and sinful.
Sex is meant for being done in privacy with the man and woman; bride and bride-groom; no one else. That is why porn is very ugly and sinful and dirty. Porn is very dangerous.
Sex is meant for life giving; not for death. This is what we learn in The Theology of the Body by John Paul II and what Pope Benedict XVI talks about it and means.
God bless
What does the Church teach on contraceptions?
All contraceptions are evil and can not be used for good. To be a contraception; must mean it takes life or prevent life; when one uses it for homo-sexual; there is no contraception; because their is no life making. As, the Pope states in the German text and in the badly translated English text; where he starts out talking how a homo-sexual man uses a condom; but the Pope took it a step further; where the man is thinking on not wanting to hurt other people and so they use the condom but then after that; they realize what they are doing is hurting another person and they will stop.
homo-sexual acts are sinful and using any and all contraception is sinful and a immoral evil.
But, what does sex truly mean?
Sex is between one man and one woman; in the Holy Sacrament of Marriage. Where life is created. Sex is to bring life into the world but not prevent life; with marriage as God founded it. The human person is not made for using contraception that prevents life and fill the body with posions; which is deadly but also aids; this virus is also deadly. Both hetero-sexual and homo-sexuals can put this deadly virus into each other's body through sex. When the homo-sexuals have sexual intercourse; there is no life being produce but death.
When the hetero-sexuals who have sex; but without going to the doctors to making sure each other doesn't have this deadly illness. When the married couple is married; they are to produce life; not to kill each other.
Sex is not bad; but Sex is for creating life. When people who are selfish and take sex out of context; they use it for pleasure but also not for life but for sport and relaxation or for fun. Sex is not to be used out of context and out of marriage; but in marriage for one thing and that is to bring forth life on this earth; to fullfill the marriage act; but if one can not have children; then one may adopted or be like G.K Chesterton and his wife; be spiritual parents.
But one can not inject into the female body the stuff to make children; because it is not natural and you become like God and become a god. God is the only one who can do this.
When we think of sex; we should already think of marriage. Because sex is for the married and no one else. If we think sex is for anyone else; then we remove the true meaning of sex and why God created Sex. Sex brings forth life as God commands all who are married; man and woman; to fill the earth with their off-spring. Sex in the marriage act is beautiful; but those who video tape it and share it with others; that makes Sex ugly and sinful.
Sex is meant for being done in privacy with the man and woman; bride and bride-groom; no one else. That is why porn is very ugly and sinful and dirty. Porn is very dangerous.
Sex is meant for life giving; not for death. This is what we learn in The Theology of the Body by John Paul II and what Pope Benedict XVI talks about it and means.
God bless
Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko

Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko, was brutally murdered by the communist secret police in Poland; for doing what Venerable Pope John Paul II started. Fr. Jerzy is a great role model for priests. He wasn't afraid of spreading the faith and keeping the faith alive in Poland; while the Russian communists wanted to remove the faith and keep the faith out of that one town that did not have a church. He was spreading the solidarity movement in Poland and he gave his life for it and the Catholic Church.
In the movie Karol, The Pope The Man; when Pope John Paul II went back to Poland; it shows Fr. Jerzy murder and what happened. Him and a friend was put into a car and drove into a secret place; his friend was kept in the car and watched Fr. Jerzy being beaten to death. I break down into tears watching it and just keep writing about it and I cried as I did on the real live broadcast on EWTN when Pope John Paul II was in his last days and moments.
I feel close to the Eastern European countries; just because of the traditions of St. Andrew going to preach the Gospel and convert the area; the tradition is that he went to Poland, Germany, Russia, the countries close by Russia, Turkey, Scotland, and a few other countries. When I found this out, it was great joy; because I'm German American and it's possible St. Andrew did work in Germany.
But, back on to Fr. Jerzy; and now I think Pope Benedict and the Polish people are working on getting Fr. Jerzy raised up to the Altars of St. Peter. He's blessed. His courage to spread the faith as we are to do and when the government over stretches it's realm; then we must be like him and also prounce who is our true ruler; Christ the King.
All the priests, deacons and layity are to be brave and live the virtues; if we live this; being faithful to the Sacrament of Confession and the Eucharist; living these Sacraments in our own life in the world; we will become a saint. Pray and ask for his intercession.
He had the spirit and soul of a early Catholic who gave their life for Jesus; he wasn't scared but maybe jumpy a bit when the communists grabbed him and his friend really quick; but I think that would be like anyone; but the Peace of Christ; which the world can not give; calmed him down and allowed him to give his life for Jesus and the Church.
When our priests at Mass say "May the Peace of Christ be with you all." This is what we are to have in our soul at every moment; being at Peace; as Christ did giving of Himself freely on the Cross to die for us. The Peace of Christ; does not come from the world but from Heaven and that is the Peace which must flow from us into the world; because we are the hands, feet, eyes, mouth of Jesus and to bring His Peace into the world and then the world will be at Peace.
There will be people who don't want this and yes, we will be sent away into prisons or put to death; in the nations who forbid this type of preaching. But with the Peace of Christ; we shall no longer be afraid but firm in our faith and be like Christ carrying His cross and being scourged. That is how Fr. Jerzy was when he lived.
Fr. Jerzy pray for us and help us in the world where governments are starting to outreach their limits and help to remain brave and live the virtues as you did.
God bless
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